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xquery 0.1.1

# XQuery XQuery is designed to replace boring method call chains and allow to easier convert it in a builder classes [![Build Status](]( ## Usage of `XQuery` function `Xquery` is a shortcat to `Xquery::Generic.with` ``` r = XQuery(''.html_safe) do |q| # similar to tap q << 'bla bla bla' q << 'bla bla bla' # using truncate q.truncate(15) # real content (q.send(:query)) mutated q << '!' end r # => "bla bla blab...!" ``` ## Usage of `XQuery::Abstract` I designed this gem to help me with `ActiveRecord` Queries, so i inherited `XQuery::Abstract` and used it's powers. It provides the following features ### `wrap_method` and `wrap_methods` when you call each of this methods they became automatically wrapped (`XQuery::Abstract` basically wraps all methods query `#respond_to?`) It means, that there are instance methods with same name defined and will change a `#query` to their call result. ``` self.query = # is basically the same as foo(x) # when `wrap_method :foo` called ``` You can also specify new name using `wrap_method :foo, as: :bar` syntax ### `q` object `q` is a proxy object which holds all of wrapped methods, but not methods you defined inside your class. E.g. i have defined `wrap_method(:foo)`, but also delegated `#foo` to some another object. If i call ``, i will get wrapped method. Note, that if you redefine `#__foo` method, will call it instead of normal work. You can add additional methods to `q` using something like `alias_on_q :foo`. I used it with `kaminary` and it was useful ``` def page=(x) apply { |query| } end alias_on_q :page= def page query.current_page end alias_on_q :page ``` ### `query_superclass` You should specify `query_superclass` class_attribute to inherit `XQuery::Abstract`. Whenever `query.is_a?(query_superclass)` evaluate to false, you will get `XQuery::QuerySuperclassChanged` exception. It can save you much time when your class misconfigured. E.g. you are using `select!` and it returns `nil`, because why not? ### `#apply` method `#apply` does exact what it source tells ``` # yields query inside block # @param block [#to_proc] # @return [XQuery::Abstract] self def apply(&block) self.query = self end ``` It is usefull to merge different queries. ### `with` class method You can get XQuery functionality even you have not defined a specific class (You are still have to inherit XQuery::Abstract to use it) You can see it in this document when i described `XQuery` function. Note, that it yields a class instance, not `q` object. It accepts any arguments, they will be passed to a constructor (except block) If you want only to call one function on an instance (e.g. `#apply`), you should prefer `execute` alias

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  1. 0.2.1 - March 08, 2017 (8 KB)
  2. 0.2.0 - December 14, 2015 java (7.5 KB)
  3. 0.2.0 - December 14, 2015 (7.5 KB)
  4. 0.1.3 - December 14, 2015 java (7 KB)
  5. 0.1.3 - December 11, 2015 (7 KB)
  6. 0.1.1 - December 11, 2015 (7 KB)
Show all versions (8 total)

Runtime Dependencies (1):

activesupport ~> 4.0

Development Dependencies (6):

bundler ~> 1.10
pry ~> 0.10
rake ~> 10.4
rspec ~> 3.3
rubocop ~> 0.35
yard ~> 0.8



  • jelf

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 20,323

For this version 1,986

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
