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voluntary 0.2.0

This is a gem which turns your rails application into a crowdsourcing platform to run on your intranet or on the internet.




  1. 0.7.1 November 09, 2015 (214 KB)
  2. 0.7.0 October 29, 2015 (214 KB)
  3. 0.6.0 October 01, 2015 (233 KB)
  4. 0.5.2 September 02, 2015 (230 KB)
  5. 0.5.1 August 23, 2015 (207 KB)
  6. 0.2.0 March 22, 2014 (133 KB)
Show all versions (21 total)

Runtime Dependencies (73):

acts_as_api ~> 0.4.2
acts_as_list ~> 0.4.0
ancestry ~> 2.0.0
auto_html >= 0
auto_html ~> 1.5.3
auto_html >= 0
cancan ~> 1.6.10
capistrano ~> 2.15.5
carrierwave ~> 0.6.2
coffee-rails ~> 4.0.0
coffee-script ~> 2.2.0
country_select ~> 1.3.1
devise ~> 3.2.2
diffy ~> 3.0.1
facebox-rails ~> 0.2.0
faker ~> 1.2.0
faraday ~> 0.8.9
fog ~> 1.19.0
font-awesome-rails ~>
foreigner ~> 1.1.0
foreman ~> 0.46
friendly_id ~> 5.0.0
gon ~> 5.0.1
has_scope ~> 0.5.1
jquery-rails = 2.2.2
json ~> 1.8.1
koala ~> 1.8.0
mini_magick ~> 3.4
mongoid ~> 4.0.0.alpha2
mongoid-history ~> 0.4.1
mongoid_slug ~> 3.2.0
omniauth ~> 1.0.3
paper_trail ~> 3.0.0
pg ~> 0.17.1
rails ~> 4.0.0
rails-api ~> 0.2.0
rails_autolink ~> 1.1.5
rails-i18n ~> 4.0.1
ransack ~> 1.1.0
remotipart ~> 1.0
rubyzip ~> 1.1.0
sass-rails ~> 4.0.0
sidekiq ~> 2.17.3
simple_form ~> 3.0.0
simple-navigation ~> 3.11.0
slim ~> 2.0.2
state_machine ~> 1.2.0
typhoeus ~> 0.5.3
uglifier ~> 2.4.0
versionist ~> 1.2.1
wicked ~> 1.0.2
will_paginate ~> 3.0.4
zip-zip ~> 0.2

Development Dependencies (19):

awesome_print ~> 1.1.0
capybara ~> 1.1.2
capybara-webkit ~> 0.13.0
cucumber ~> 1.2.5
database_cleaner ~> 0.7.1
fixture_builder ~> 0.3.3
fuubar ~> 1.1.0
guard-cucumber ~> 1.4.0
guard-rspec ~> 3.0.2
guard-spork ~> 1.5.1
launchy ~> 2.1.2
letter_opener ~> 1.0.0
oink ~> 0.10.1
rspec-rails ~> 2.0
selenium-webdriver ~> 2.22.1
spork ~> 1.0rc2
timecop ~> 0.6.1



  • Mathias Gawlista

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 50,913

For this version 2,539

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
