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utilrb 1.3.3

What is Utilrb ?

Utilrb is yet another Ruby toolkit, in the spirit of facets. It includes all the standard class extensions I use in my own projects like Genom.rb.


The only dependency Utilrb has is flexmock if you want to run tests. It is available as a gem, so you can run

gem install flexmock

Utilrb’s C extension

Utilrb includes a C extension in ext/. It is optional, but some of the functionalities will be disabled if it is not present. Trying to require a file in which there is a C-only feature will yield a warning on STDOUT.




  1. 3.1.0 - March 28, 2018 (48,5 KB)
  2. 3.0.1 - June 09, 2016 (47,5 KB)
  3. 3.0.0 - October 11, 2015 (48 KB)
  4. 3.0.0.rc1 - September 27, 2015 (48 KB)
  5. 2.1.0.rc3 - September 27, 2015 (54 KB)
  6. 1.3.3 - August 05, 2009 (36,5 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (31 total)

dependencias de Runtime (2):

facets >= 2.4.0
rake >= 0

dependencias de Development (1):

hoe >= 1.12.2



  • Sylvain Joyeux

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 271.949

Para esta versión 7.572

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
