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sym 2.3.0

Sym is a command line utility and a Ruby API that makes it trivial to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data. Unlike many other existing encryption tools, sym focuses on usability and streamlined interface (CLI), with the goal of making encryption easy and transparent. The result? There is no excuse for keeping your application secrets unencrypted :) You can password-protect the key for an additional layer of security, and store the key in the OS-X keychain. Use the key to reliably encrypt, decrypt and re-encrypt your application secrets. Use the -t CLI switch to transparently edit an encrypted file in an editor of your choice. Sym uses a symmetric aes-256-cbc cipher with a private key and an IV vector.




  1. 3.0.2 September 23, 2022 (4,2 MB)
  2. 3.0.1 February 12, 2021 (4,21 MB)
  3. 3.0.0 August 15, 2020 (2,8 MB)
  4. 2.10.0 August 14, 2020 (1,35 MB)
  5. 2.8.5 October 13, 2018 (1,36 MB)
  6. 2.3.0 February 25, 2017 (47 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (33 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (6):

coin ~> 0.1.8
colored2 ~> 3
dalli ~> 2.7
highline ~> 1.7
slop ~> 4.3

Development Abhängigkeiten (8):

aruba >= 0
bundler ~> 1
rake >= 0
rspec ~> 3
rspec-its >= 0
simplecov >= 0
yard >= 0



  • Konstantin Gredeskoul

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:


Downloads insgesamt 443.929

Für diese Version 1.750

Version veröffentlicht:



Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 2.2

New versions require MFA: true
