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statsample 0.8.0

A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9 and JRuby 1.4 (Ruby 1.8.7 compatible) Includes: * Descriptive statistics: frequencies, median, mean, standard error, skew, kurtosis (and many others). * Imports and exports datasets from and to Excel, CSV and plain text files. * Correlations: Pearson's r, Spearman's rank correlation (rho), Tetrachoric, Polychoric * Tests: T, Levene, U-Mannwhitney, One-Way Anova * Regression: Simple, Multiple, Probit and Logit * Factorial Analysis: Extraction (PCA and Principal Axis) and Rotation (Varimax and relatives) * Dominance Analysis, with multivariate dependent and bootstrap (Azen & Budescu) * Sample calculation related formulas * Creates reports on text, html and rtf, using ReportBuilder




  1. 2.1.0 August 10, 2017 (212 KB)
  2. 2.0.2 March 28, 2016 (209 KB)
  3. 2.0.1 August 19, 2015 (209 KB)
  4. 2.0.0 June 23, 2015 (213 KB)
  5. 1.5.0 June 12, 2015 (237 KB)
  6. 0.8.0 March 29, 2010 (150 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (51 total)

dependencias de Runtime (5):

fastercsv >= 0
minimization ~> 0.1.0
reportbuilder ~> 1.0
spreadsheet ~> 0.6.0
svg-graph ~> 1.0

dependencias de Development (3):

gemcutter >= 0.5.0
hoe >= 2.5.1
rubyforge >= 2.0.4



  • Claudio Bustos

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 673.249

Para esta versión 3.433

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
