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slideshow 2.3.0

The Slide Show (S9) Ruby gem lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read. The Slide Show (S9) project also collects and welcomes themes and ships "out-of-the-gem" with built-in support for "loss-free" gradient vector graphics themes. ~~~ SYNOPSIS slideshow [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION 2.0.0 GLOBAL OPTIONS -c, --config=PATH - Configuration Path (default: ~/.slideshow) --verbose - (Debug) Show debug messages --version - Show version COMMANDS build, b - Build slideshow install, i - Install template pack list, ls, l - List installed template packs new, n - Generate quick starter sample about, a - (Debug) Show more version info help - Shows a list of commands or help for one command ~~~




  1. 4.1.0 February 21, 2019 (9 KB)
  2. 4.0.0 October 27, 2017 (9 KB)
  3. 3.1.0 May 06, 2016 (9,5 KB)
  4. 3.0.1 April 11, 2016 (9,5 KB)
  5. 3.0.0 April 02, 2016 (9,5 KB)
  6. 2.3.0 July 16, 2013 (102 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (77 total)

dependencias de Runtime (7):

activesupport >= 3.2.6
gli >= 2.5.6
logutils >= 0.6.0
markdown >= 1.0.0
pakman >= 0.4.0
props >= 1.0.0
textutils >= 0.2.0

dependencias de Development (2):

hoe ~> 3.3
rdoc ~> 3.10



  • Gerald Bauer

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 243.651

Para esta versión 4.306

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
