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serve 1.5.1

Serve is a small Rack-based web server that makes it easy to serve ERB or HAML from any directory. Serve is an ideal tool for building HTML prototypes of Rails applications. Serve can also handle SASS, Textile, and Markdown if the appropriate gems are installed.

= Copier Copié!



  1. 1.5.2 - February 23, 2013 (71 ko)
  2. 1.5.1 - July 14, 2011 (69,5 ko)
  3. 1.5.0 - July 12, 2011 (69,5 ko)
  4. 1.5.0.pre5 - July 11, 2011 (27,5 ko)
  5. 1.5.0.pre4 - July 06, 2011 (31,5 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (35)

Dépendances de Runtime (6):

activesupport ~> 3.0
i18n >= 0
rack ~> 1.2
rack-test ~> 0.5
tilt ~> 1.3
tzinfo >= 0

Dépendances de Development (14):

coffee-script ~> 2.2.0
compass ~> 0.11.1
erubis ~> 2.7.0
haml ~> 3.1.1
jeweler ~> 1.6.4
less ~> 1.2.21
radius ~> 0.6.1
rake ~> 0.9.0
rdiscount ~> 1.6.8
rdoc ~> 3.8.0
RedCloth ~> 4.2.7
rspec ~> 2.6.0
sass ~> 3.1.1
slim ~> 0.9.4



  • John W. Long, Adam I. Williams, Robert Evans

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

= Copier Copié!

Total de téléchargements 142 180

Pour cette version 16 332



Version de Ruby requise: None
