semverify 0.3.2
Parse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions. This gem installs the `semverify` CLI tool to display and increment a gem's version based on SemVer rules. This tool can replace the `bump` command from the [bump gem]( for incrementing gem version strings. This gem also provides the `Semverify::Semver` class which knows how to parse, validate, and compare [SemVer 2.0.0]( version strings. Both the CLI tool and the library code support prerelease versions and versions with build metadata. Example CLI commands: ```bash # Increment the gem version semverify {next-major|next-minor|next-patch} [--pre [--pretype=TYPE]] [--build=METADATA] [--dryrun] semverify next-pre [--pretype=TYPE] [--build=METADATA] [--dryrun] semverify next-release [--build=METADATA] [--dryrun] # Command to display the current gem version semverify current # Display the gem version file semverify file # Validate that a version conforms to SemVer 2.0.0 semverify validate VERSION # Get more detailed help for each command listed above semverify help [COMMAND] ```