Dépendances inversées pour select2-rails Latest version of the following gems require select2-rails
activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0
Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.
2 101 193 Téléchargements
spree_backend 4.8.4
Admin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform
1 963 188 Téléchargements
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
420 122 Téléchargements
activeadmin-select2 0.1.8
With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in F...
357 721 Téléchargements
nfg_ui 6.17.2
The embodied design system for Network for Good.
259 779 Téléchargements
hyrax 5.0.1
Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...
230 363 Téléchargements
pulitzer 0.15.31
A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!
220 095 Téléchargements
sufia 7.4.1
Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...
208 011 Téléchargements
express_admin 1.8.1
ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by appexpress.io, ExpressBlog, etc.
158 826 Téléchargements
filter_form 0.8.4
Build filter forms easily
133 322 Téléchargements
zuora_connect_ui 0.12.3
Description of Connect UI
130 919 Téléchargements
workarea-core 3.5.27
Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...
118 330 Téléchargements
admin_it 1.3.8
Admin interface
104 266 Téléchargements
gentelella-rails 0.1.11
Injects the gentelella theme and javascript files into Rails assets pipeline
100 872 Téléchargements
fat_free_crm 0.22.1
An open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
95 933 Téléchargements
virgo 0.3.17
Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails
94 789 Téléchargements
lentil 1.0.5
lentil supports the harvesting of images from Instagram and provides several browsing v...
75 854 Téléchargements
helpdesk 0.0.42
Helpesk includes: tickets, ticket types, email-notification, FAQ, subscribers
74 587 Téléchargements
auto_select2 0.7.0
Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different select2 elements: static, ...
58 630 Téléchargements
express_ui 0.5.2
User interface library for AppExpress components (https://appexpress.io)
49 029 Téléchargements
monologue 0.5.0
Monologue is a basic blogging engine. It is a Rails mountable engine so it can be mount...
48 936 Téléchargements
Gemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.
42 136 Téléchargements
kuroko2 0.8.0
Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.
40 911 Téléchargements
carload 0.5.3
Carload is built with taste, and tries to be just right!
31 477 Téléchargements
angular-ui-select2-rails 0.1.1
angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline
30 761 Téléchargements
rademade_admin 0.2.2
Best rails admin panel. Great mechanism for customization and rapid development
30 298 Téléchargements
gaku_frontend 0.3.0
The default Rails front end for GAKU Engine, with web views etc.
28 461 Téléchargements
georgia 0.8.0
This is simply the best CMS in town. User authentication, widgets, slideshows, easy UI ...
28 367 Téléchargements
auto_select2_tag 0.2.2
Provide tag-helper methods for create Select2 elements by the same way as any other ele...
22 953 Téléchargements
select2-foundation 0.1.1
Simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with foundation
22 215 Téléchargements