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search_solr_tools 7.0.0.pre.alpha

Ruby translators to transform various metadata feeds into solr documents and a command-line utility to access/utilize the gem's translators to harvest metadata into a working solr instance.




  1. 7.2.1 October 20, 2023 (40,5 KB)
  2. 7.2.0 October 19, 2023 (40,5 KB)
  3. 7.1.0 October 11, 2023 (40 KB)
  4. 7.0.0 October 09, 2023 (40 KB)
  5. 7.0.0.pre.alpha October 19, 2023 (40 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (61 total)

dependencias de Runtime (10):

ffi-geos ~> 2.4.0
iso8601 ~> 0.13.0
logging ~> 2.3.1
multi_json ~> 1.15.0
nokogiri ~> 1.15.4
rest-client ~> 2.1.0
rgeo ~> 3.0.0
rgeo-geojson ~> 2.1.1
rsolr ~> 2.5.0
thor ~> 1.2.2

dependencias de Development (12):

bump ~> 0.10.0
gem-release ~> 2.2.2
guard ~> 2.18.0
guard-rspec ~> 4.7.3
guard-rubocop ~> 1.5.0
listen = 3.8.0
rake ~> 13.0.6
rspec ~> 3.12.0
rubocop ~> 1.54.2
rubocop-rake ~> 0.6.0
rubocop-rspec ~> 2.22.0
webmock ~> 3.18.1


Subida por:


  • Chris Chalstrom, Michael Brandt, Jonathan Kovarik, Luis Lopez, Stuart Reed, Julia Collins, Scott Lewis

SHA 256 checksum:


Total de descargas 67.164

Para esta versión 253

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: ~> 3.2.2

Versión de Rubygems requerida: > 1.3.1
