Dependencias inversas para reline La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren reline
highline 3.1.1
A high-level IO library that provides validation, type conversion, and more for command...
242.720.372 Descargas
irb 1.14.1
Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).
58.765.722 Descargas
debug 1.9.2
Debugging functionality for Ruby. This is completely rewritten debug.rb which was conta...
42.299.127 Descargas
hexapdf 1.0.0
HexaPDF is a pure Ruby library with an accompanying application for working with PDF fi...
7.257.415 Descargas
readline 0.0.4
This is just a loader for "readline". If Ruby has the "readline-ext" gem that is a nati...
400.414 Descargas
katakata_irb 0.2.3
IRB with Typed Completion
93.532 Descargas
yamatanooroti 0.0.9
Yamatanooroti is a multi-platform real(?) terminal test framework.
78.673 Descargas
gloo 3.5.0
A scripting languge to keep it all together.
42.011 Descargas
intar 2.17
This is a lean replacement for Irb.
11.698 Descargas
aia 0.5.18
A command-line AI Assistante (aia) that provides pre-compositional template prompt mana...
9.973 Descargas
ronin-core 0.2.0
ronin-core is a core library providing common functionality for all ronin libraries.
9.441 Descargas
chatgpt-rb 0.1.8
Provides libraries for interacting with the ChatGPT API and a CLI program `chatgpt-rb` ...
5.212 Descargas
dynamic_curses_input 1.2.2
Dynamic Curses Input is a highly simple, yet powerful gem that allows simple implementa...
2.019 Descargas
irb-theme-tokyonight 0.5.0
The color scheme for Reline
1.924 Descargas
reline-puts 1.0.1
adds Reline.puts which prints a string above the active prompt without corrupting it
1.705 Descargas
rereline 0.1.2
reline library from scratch.
1.336 Descargas
irb-theme-dracula 0.1.1
irb color config
1.257 Descargas
prompts 0.3.1
Inspired by the Laravel Prompts project
899 Descargas
irb-theme-nord 0.1.0
Nord theme for Reline/IRB
340 Descargas
irb-theme-rk2024 0.1.0
IRB color theme for 2024
308 Descargas