rails_12factor 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rails_12factor
lalala 4.1.0.dev.425
Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world
418,064 下載
disco_app 0.18.6
Rails engine for Shopify applications.
71,857 下載
viewable 0.5.19
Viewable is a Rails 4.0 gem that enables you to add 'resource' viewing functionality to...
47,647 下載
bookable 0.0.52
a bookings reservation gem for rails 4.0
15,918 下載
pushie 0.1.2
Removes all precompiled assets with rake assets:clobber before doing a rake assets...
7,636 下載
simple-messaging 0.0.1
a messaging gem for rails
6,566 下載
production_ready 0.1.0
Removes all precompiled assets for production with rake assets:clobber and doing a rake...
3,190 下載
production_ready_ketan 0.1.0
Removes all precompiled assets with rake assets:clobber and doing a rake assets:precomp...
3,174 下載
rails-messenger 0.1.0
A light-weight messenging application for Rails 4.24!
3,039 下載
lorin_production_ready 0.1.0
Removes all precompiled assets for production with rake assets:clobber before doing...
2,775 下載