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phccodesnipper 4.0.0

Ruby on Rails 5.2 engine to manage and post code snippets.




  1. 6.1.1 July 23, 2022 (15.5 KB)
  2. 6.1.0 April 26, 2022 (15 KB)
  3. 6.0.1 April 17, 2022 (15 KB)
  4. 6.0.0 April 16, 2022 (14.5 KB)
  5. 5.4.0 September 13, 2020 (14.5 KB)
  6. 4.0.0 June 30, 2019 (15.5 KB)
Show all versions (13 total)

Runtime Dependencies (32):

aws-sdk-s3 ~> 1.43
friendly_id ~> 5.2
gravtastic ~> 3.2
httparty ~> 0.17.0
mini_magick ~> 4.9
multi_json ~> 1.13
oj ~> 3.7
paper_trail ~> 10.3
pg ~> 1.1
phcaccounts ~> 40.0
phcadmin1 ~> 50.0
phcadmin2 ~> 52.0
phcadmin3 ~> 45.0
phcadmin4 ~> 27.0
phcadmin5 ~> 26.0
phcadmin6 ~> 15.0
phcadmin7 ~> 9.0
phcmenus ~> 4.0
phcnotifi ~> 48.0
phctheme1 ~> 55.0
phctheme2 ~> 44.0
phctheme3 ~> 24.0
phctheme4 ~> 21.0
phctheme5 ~> 17.0
phctheme6 ~> 10.0
phctheme7 ~> 4.0
phctitleseo ~> 47.0
rabl ~> 0.14.0
rails ~> 5.2, >= 5.2.3
responders ~> 3.0

Development Dependencies (11):

byebug ~> 11.0
capybara ~> 3.25
faker ~> 1.9
launchy ~> 2.4
minitest ~> 5.11
nokogiri ~> 1.10
rspec-rails ~> 3.8
sqlite3 ~> 1.3, < 1.4


Pushed by:


  • BradPotts

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 19,453

For this version 1,898

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
