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pg 0.18.4

Pg is the Ruby interface to the {PostgreSQL RDBMS}[]. It works with {PostgreSQL 8.4 and later}[]. A small example usage: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pg' # Output a table of current connections to the DB conn = PG.connect( dbname: 'sales' ) conn.exec( "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity" ) do |result| puts " PID | User | Query" result.each do |row| puts " %7d | %-16s | %s " % row.values_at('procpid', 'usename', 'current_query') end end

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  1. 1.5.8 - September 06, 2024 x64-mingw32 (2,81 MB)
  2. 1.5.8 - September 06, 2024 x64-mingw-ucrt (2,74 MB)
  3. 1.5.8 - September 06, 2024 x86-mingw32 (2,62 MB)
  4. 1.5.8 - September 06, 2024 (218 KB)
  5. 1.5.7 - July 28, 2024 x86-mingw32 (2,62 MB)
  6. 0.18.4 - November 13, 2015 (215 KB)
Mostrar todas las versiones (258 total)

dependencias de Development (9):

hoe ~> 3.12
hoe-bundler ~> 1.0
hoe-deveiate ~> 0.7
hoe-highline ~> 0.2
hoe-mercurial ~> 1.4
rake-compiler ~> 0.9
rdoc ~> 4.0
rspec ~> 3.0



  • Michael Granger, Lars Kanis

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de descargas 326.196.330

Para esta versión 20.731.479

Versión publicada:


BSD, Ruby, GPL

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3
