FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Works with all gLabels supported templates for rectangular labels * Does not yet work for CD labels (circles) == SYNOPSIS: p = PDFLabelPage.new("Avery 8160") # label is 2 x 10 #Some examples of adding labels p.add_label() # should add to col 1, row 1 p.add_label(:position => 1) # should add col 1, row 2 p.add_label(:text => "Positoin 15", :position => 15) # should add col 2, row 1 p.add_label(:text => ‘No Margin’, :position => 5, :use_margin => false) #this doesn’t use a margin p.add_label(:position => 9, :text => "X Offset = 4, Y Offset = -6", :offset_x => 4, :offset_y => -6) p.add_label(:text => "Centered", :position => 26, :justification => :center) # should add col 2, row 15 p.add_label(:text => "[Right justified]", :justification => :right, :position => 28)# col 2, row 14, right justified. p.add_label(:position => 29) # should add col 2, row 15 p.add_label(:position => 8, :text => "This was added last and has a BIG font", :font_size => 18) #If you want to see the boxes around each label (good for printing alignment samples) p.draw_boxes(false, true)