ndr_dev_support 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ndr_dev_support
ndr_import 11.2.0
NDR ETL Importer
86,167 下載
ndr_support 5.10.3
Provides NDR classes and class extensions
63,365 下載
ndr_error 2.3.1
Mountable engine for exception logging and fingerprinting
27,224 下載
ndr_ui 4.1.0
Provides Rails applications with additional support for the Twitter Bootstrap UI framework
25,880 下載
ndr_stats 0.2.1
Makes it straightforward for a project to send data to statsd.
3,284 下載
ndr_pseudonymise 0.4.2
Provide pseudonymisation facilities.
1,189 下載