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locomotive_cms 2.5.0.rc2

LocomotiveCMS is a next generation CMS system with sexy admin tools, liquid templating, and inline editing powered by mongodb and rails 3.2




  1. 2.5.7 June 15, 2015 (820 ko)
  2. 2.5.6 September 29, 2014 (817 ko)
  3. 2.5.6.rc2 September 20, 2014 (816 ko)
  4. 2.5.6.rc1 September 19, 2014 (816 ko)
  5. 2.5.5 August 11, 2014 (807 ko)
  6. 2.5.0.rc2 April 21, 2014 (791 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (72)

Dépendances de Runtime (36):

cancan = 1.6.7
cells ~> 3.8.0
custom_fields ~> 2.3.1
devise = 2.2.7
dragonfly ~> 1.0.3
fog ~> 1.12.1
formtastic ~> 2.2.1
haml ~> 4.0.2
highline ~> 1.6.2
httparty ~> 0.11.0
jquery-rails ~> 2.1.4
kaminari ~> 0.14.1
mimetype-fu ~> 0.1.2
mime-types ~> 1.19
mongoid ~> 3.1.5
mongoid-tree ~> 1.0.3
multi_json ~> 1.7.3
rack-cache ~> 1.1
rails ~> 3.2.17
rails-backbone ~> 0.7.2
rake ~> 10.0.0
redcarpet ~> 3.0.0
RedCloth ~> 4.2.8
responders ~> 0.9.2
sanitize = 2.0.3
stringex ~> 2.0.3

Dépendances de Development (1):

faye-websocket ~> 0.4.7



  • Didier Lafforgue

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 243 521

Pour cette version 2 355

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
