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langchainrb 0.16.0

Build LLM-backed Ruby applications with Ruby's Langchain.rb

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  1. 0.16.0 - September 19, 2024 (75,5 KB)
  2. 0.15.6 - September 16, 2024 (75,5 KB)
  3. 0.15.5 - September 10, 2024 (75 KB)
  4. 0.15.4 - August 30, 2024 (75 KB)
  5. 0.15.3 - August 27, 2024 (73,5 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (91)

Runtime Dependencies (6):

baran ~> 0.1.9
matrix >= 0
rainbow ~> 3.1.0
zeitwerk ~> 2.5

Development Dependencies (40):

ai21 ~> 0.2.1
anthropic ~> 0.3
chroma-db ~> 0.6.0
cohere-ruby ~> 0.9.10
docx ~> 0.8.0
dotenv-rails ~> 2.7.6
elasticsearch ~> 8.2.0
epsilla-ruby ~> 0.0.4
eqn ~> 1.6.5
faraday >= 0
googleauth >= 0
google_palm_api ~> 0.1.3
hnswlib ~> 0.8.1
hugging-face ~> 0.3.4
llama_cpp ~> 0.9.4
mail ~> 2.8
milvus ~> 0.9.3
mistral-ai >= 0
nokogiri ~> 1.13
pdf-reader ~> 2.0
pg ~> 1.5
pgvector ~> 0.2.1
pinecone ~> 0.1.6
power_point_pptx ~> 0.1.0
pry-byebug ~> 3.10.0
qdrant-ruby ~> 0.9.4
rdiscount ~> 2.2.7
replicate-ruby ~> 0.2.2
roo ~> 2.10.0
roo-xls ~> 1.2.0
ruby-openai ~> 7.1.0
safe_ruby ~> 1.0.4
sequel ~> 5.68.0
vcr >= 0
weaviate-ruby ~> 0.8.10
webmock >= 0
wikipedia-client ~> 1.17.0
yard ~> 0.9.34


Pushed by:


  • Andrei Bondarev

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total de downloads 121.665

Desta versão 876

Versão lançada:



Versão Requerida do Ruby: >= 3.1.0
