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fog 1.9.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rackspace, Linode, Blue Box, StormOnDemand, and many others. Full support for most AWS services including EC2, S3, CloudWatch, SimpleDB, ELB, and RDS.

= 複製 已複製



  1. 2.3.0 - October 03, 2022 (470.0 KB)
  2. 2.2.0 - June 18, 2019 (467.5 KB)
  3. 2.1.0 - November 12, 2018 (532.0 KB)
  4. 2.0.0 - March 06, 2018 (544.5 KB)
  5. 2.0.0.pre.0 - September 15, 2015 (1.2 MB)
  6. 1.9.0 - January 19, 2013 (902.5 KB)
顯示所有版本(共 246)

Runtime 相依性套件 (9):

builder >= 0
excon ~> 0.14
formatador ~> 0.2.0
mime-types >= 0
multi_json ~> 1.0
net-scp ~> 1.0.4
net-ssh >= 2.1.3
nokogiri ~> 1.5.0
ruby-hmac >= 0

Development 相依性套件 (11):

fission >= 0
jekyll >= 0
pry >= 0
rake >= 0
rbovirt >= 0.0.11
rbvmomi >= 0
rspec ~> 1.3.1
shindo ~> 0.3.4
thor >= 0
virtualbox ~> 0.9.1
yard >= 0



  • geemus (Wesley Beary)

SHA 256 總和檢查碼:

= 複製 已複製

總下載次數 57,591,682

這個版本 640,307


Ruby 版本需求:
