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bucky-core 0.10.25

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Selenium) and Linkstatus test (HTTP status check) are supported in default. Page object model pattern and page based element management is the main concept in Bucky-core. You can create scenarios and execute it easily by using Bucky-core. When working with Bucky-management, Bucky-core can also record test results. You can make test results visualization by using Bucky-management.




  1. 0.10.25 - August 08, 2023 (50.5 KB)
  2. 0.10.24 - November 02, 2022 (50.5 KB)
  3. 0.10.23 - October 26, 2022 (50.5 KB)
  4. 0.10.22 - June 13, 2022 (50.5 KB)
  5. 0.10.21 - June 13, 2022 (50.5 KB)
Show all versions (46 total)

Runtime Dependencies (9):

addressable ~> 2.5
color_echo ~> 3.1
json ~> 2.3.0
nokogiri ~> 1.11.1
parallel ~> 1.11
ruby-mysql ~> 2.9
sequel ~> 4.48
test-unit ~> 3.2

Development Dependencies (12):

awesome_print ~> 1.8
bundler ~> 1.15
hirb ~> 0.7
pry ~> 0.10
pry-byebug ~> 3.4
rake ~> 13
rspec ~> 3.6
rubocop ~> 0.68.1
simplecov ~> 0.15.1


Pushed by:


  • NaotoKishino, HikaruFukuzawa, SeiyaSato, NaokiNakano, RikiyaHikimochi, JyeRuey

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 76,779

For this version 842

Version Released:


Apache License 2.0

Required Ruby Version: >= 2.5
