RubyGems Navigation menu


abrasf-desif 2.0.1

Tables of DES-IF

10,342 下載

abricot 0.2

Fast cloud command dispatcher tool with Redis pub/sub

10,745 下載

abril_heartbeat 1.1.1

This GEM is a middleware which adds a heartbeat route to your Apps, a route which check...

14,089 下載

abrio 0.0.5

Client ruby para o encurtador

12,945 下載

abrizer 0.6.0

Creates adaptive bitrate streams and other delivery derivatives.

17,371 下載

abr_lookup 0.1.1

An ABN / ACN lookup utility that includes middleware

21,847 下載

abroad 4.6.0

A set of parsers and serializers for dealing with localization file formats.

63,656 下載

abro_studio_game 1.0.0

My name is Angel and this is my studio game. You enter in player names, you enter how m...

3,300 下載

abrt 0.4.0

Provides ABRT reporting support for libraries/applications written using Ruby.

64,370 下載

ab_rules 1.0.1

A light weight ruby AB test library based on rules

8,055 下載

abrupt 1.0.1

Tools for the AbRUPt project.

20,921 下載

absa-esd 0.0.3

A ruby interface to commumicate with the ABSA Electronic Statement Delivery platform.

32,092 下載

absa-h2h 0.1.11

The interface supports Account holder verifications, EFT payments, Debit orders, collec...

114,388 下載

absa-notify-me 0.0.7

This is just a rapidly prototyped proof of concept gem for bankserv gem and those ...

70,855 下載

abscondment-rubyvor 0.1.2

RubyVor provides efficient computation of Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation f...

5,876 下載

abscondment-statistics2 0.54

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6,411 下載

abscss 0.0.1

Breadth first search an HTML page and spit out all the branches of the tree as CSS sele...

23,940 下載

absee 1.1.1

.ab1 reader / ABIF reader; extracts the peak indexes, called sequence, quality scores, ...

83,391 下載

absentee_camper 0.0.7

Monitors a Campfire room for @mentions, and emails the @mentioned user with the message...

58,077 下載

absgit 0.3.0

This gem contains a program which allows one to manipulate files in a Git repository fr...

31,186 下載

absinthe 0.0.3

Not yet suitable for production use!

18,042 下載

absmartly 0.0.1

A/b testing gem

2,035 下載

absmartly-sdk 1.1.2

Absmartly gem

12,140 下載

absolute 0.0.5

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

46,847 下載

absolutely 6.0.0

Convert relative paths to absolute URIs.

163,029 下載

AbsoluteRenamer 1.1.2

AbsoluteRenamer is a very powerful tool that helps files and directories renaming using...

156,548 下載

AbsoluteRenamer-date 0.1.0

AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides date functions (such as NOW or file date, ...) ...

12,838 下載

AbsoluteRenamer-system 0.1.0

AbsoluteRenamer extension that provides system informations (such as username, OS name,...

14,279 下載

absolute_time 1.0.0

This gem provides a monotonically increasing timer to permit safe measurement of time i...

687,672 下載

absolution 0.0.6

Absolute URL detection and construction

20,200 下載