activerecord-jdbc-alt-adapter 70.2.0
Fork of the ActiveRecord JDBC adapter with support for SQL Server and Azure SQL, for mo...
71,515 下载
activerecord-jdbcas400-adapter 1.3.20
Install this gem to use AS/400 with JRuby on Rails.
69,775 下载
activerecord-jdbccassandra-adapter 0.0.1
Install this gem to use Cassandra with JRuby on Rails.
8,396 下载
Install this gem to use DBF with JRuby on Rails.
27,203 下载
activerecord-jdbcderby-adapter 1.3.25
Derby JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
371,485 下载
activerecord-jdbch2-adapter 1.3.25
H2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
406,063 下载
activerecord-jdbchsqldb-adapter 1.3.25
HSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
382,043 下载
activerecord-jdbc-import 0.0.3
Import items quickly with activerecord-jdbc
23,996 下载
activerecord-jdbcmssql-adapter 1.3.25
MS_SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
331,559 下载
activerecord-jdbcmssql-adapter-ficoh 1.3.21
MS_SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
3,060 下载
activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter 70.2
MySQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
2,002,849 下载
activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter-ficoh 1.3.21
MySQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
2,933 下载
activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter 2.0.3
ActiveRecord adapter for NuoDB. Only for use with JRuby. Requires separate Cache JDBC d...
39,416 下载
activerecord-jdbcphoenix-adapter 1.3.12
Phoenix SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
8,740 下载
activerecord-jdbc-plsql 0.0.3
activerecord-jdbc-plsql provide a Ruby wrapper to use PL/SQL with Active Record and JDBC
15,206 下载
activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter 70.2
Postgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
1,941,988 下载
activerecord-jdbcsplice-adapter 0.1.4
Splice Engine JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
12,667 下载
activerecord-jdbcsqlanywhere-adapter 1.1.2
Install this gem to use Sybase SQLAnywhere with JRuby on Rails
41,845 下载
activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter 70.2
Sqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
1,879,635 下载
activerecord-jdbcsqlserver-adapter 52.0.0
This is a fork of ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter for JRuby. SQL Server 2012 and upward.
18,567 下载
activerecord-jdbcteradata-adapter 0.5.1
Install this gem and require 'teradata' with JRuby on Rails.
104,771 下载
activerecord-jdbcvertica-adapter 0.2.0
An ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)
51,672 下载
active_record-journal 0.1.1
A gem to track changes on active record models
2,421 下载
activerecord-jsonapi_update 0.0.1
The JSON API specification requires associated resources included in a PATCH request, i...
4,640 下载
active_record-json_associations 0.12.0
Instead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
36,685 下载
activerecord-jsonb-associations 0.2.0
Use PostgreSQL JSONB fields to store association information of your models
6,699 下载
active_record_jsonb_with_indifferent_access 0.1.1
Deserializes jsonb columns in an ActiveRecord model with indifferent access
3,614 下载
active_record_json_explain 0.1.0
This gem extends `ActiveRecord::Relation#explain` to make it possible to get EXPLAIN in...
2,380 下载
active_record-json_has_many 0.5.0
Instead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
17,027 下载
active_record_json_importer 0.0.1
Importing records from a json file go slow?. No problem, use me. It uses the awesome ac...
3,749 下载