aws-sdk-cleanrooms 1.36.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Clean Rooms Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...
8,322,155 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cleanroomsml 1.19.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Clean Rooms ML. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
2,293,251 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloud9 1.81.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud9. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
70,380,263 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudcontrolapi 1.34.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Cloud Control API (CloudControlApi). This gem is part of ...
19,545,366 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-clouddirectory 1.69.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudDirectory. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
72,903,761 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.124.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudFormation. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
128,801,786 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudfront 1.107.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudFront (CloudFront). This gem is part of the AWS S...
94,862,742 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudfrontkeyvaluestore 1.17.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore. This gem is part of the AWS ...
3,261,840 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudhsm 1.65.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudHSM (CloudHSM). This gem is part of the AWS SDK f...
75,072,046 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudhsmv2 1.69.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudHSM V2 (CloudHSM V2). This gem is part of the AWS SD...
77,290,230 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudsearch 1.68.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
74,588,377 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudsearchdomain 1.55.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudSearch Domain. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
73,113,989 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudtrail 1.96.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudTrail (CloudTrail). This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
79,621,420 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudtraildata 1.23.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudTrail Data Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
7,857,801 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudwatch 1.107.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch (CloudWatch). This gem is part of the AWS S...
121,206,931 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudwatchevents 1.85.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Events. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...
78,273,783 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudwatchevidently 1.35.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Evidently. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
18,381,097 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudwatchlogs 1.103.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for R...
111,740,918 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-cloudwatchrum 1.34.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for CloudWatch RUM. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
16,893,423 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codeartifact 1.56.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for CodeArtifact. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
35,634,672 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codebuild 1.138.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeBuild. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
77,825,574 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codecatalyst 1.30.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeCatalyst. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
9,323,562 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codecommit 1.80.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeCommit (CodeCommit). This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
80,791,057 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codeconnections 1.15.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeConnections. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,394,050 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codedeploy 1.79.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeDeploy (CodeDeploy). This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
78,400,730 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-code-generator 0.6.0.pre
Generates the service code for the AWS SDK for Ruby
57,821 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codeguruprofiler 1.49.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...
39,358,213 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codegurureviewer 1.60.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer (CodeGuruReviewer). This gem is part...
40,177,616 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codegurusecurity 1.24.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CodeGuru Security. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for...
5,004,662 ダウンロード数
aws-sdk-codepipeline 1.91.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline). This gem is part of the AWS ...
76,957,113 ダウンロード数