aws-mfa 0.3.2
Run AWS commands with MFA
59.779 Descargas
aws-mfa-secure 0.4.5
Adds MFA Support to AWS CLI and Ruby SDKs for normal IAM user
440.843 Descargas
aws_minecraft 0.2.1
Provisions an EC2. Uploads a world, and deploys it.
5.870 Descargas
aws-msk-iam-sasl-signer 0.1.1
MSK Library in Ruby for SASL/OAUTHBEARER Auth
17.444 Descargas
aws-must 0.0.14
aws-must is a tool, which allows separating infrastructure configuration and Amazon rel...
28.181 Descargas
aws-must-templates 0.2.4
Set of extensible templates for [aws-must]( tool to ...
21.696 Descargas
awsnap 0.0.2
AWSnap signs your AWS requests for you. No request processing, no response handling, no...
5.478 Descargas
awsom 0.1.0
Aws IaC dsl
2.944 Descargas
awsome 0.0.64
AWS library targeted specifically for continuous integration.
197.864 Descargas
aws_onchange 2.0.0
Check easily change on models, and run action
30.633 Descargas
aws_one_click_staging 0.1.2
When setup with the proper credentials, this gem sets up a staging instance of all the ...
28.336 Descargas
aws-opsworks_cssh 0.0.2
CSSH into all OpsWorks instances specified by a stack name
3.872 Descargas
aws-partitions 1.1013.0
Provides interfaces to enumerate AWS partitions, regions, and services.
1.102.939.050 Descargas
awspec 1.30.0
RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
2.411.787 Descargas
awspec-api_gateway_extended 1.2.4
Forked version of Awspec with extended API Gateway testing. Can view examples of feat...
3.864 Descargas
aws_pipes 0.0.6
Send messages between Amazon EC2 instances through Unix pipes.
24.325 Descargas
aws_pocketknife 0.1.28
Have you ever find yourself going through the aws cli documentation page over and over ...
44.971 Descargas
awsprice 0.0.5
I will improve this later.
17.123 Descargas
aws-pricing 0.7.0
Simpler interface to AWS pricing data
30.092 Descargas
awsprofile 0.1.1
A simple class to automate AWS profile loading
6.125 Descargas
aws-profile_parser 0.0.4
Parse AWS CLI $AWS_CONFIG_FILE setting in Ruby
122.067 Descargas
awsprofiles 0.0.1
A simple script to list and search your AWS profiles configured at ~/.aws/
2.647 Descargas
aws_provisioner 0.0.3
A DSL that compiles to AWS CloudFormation and provisions AWS resources.
4.120 Descargas
aws_public_ips 1.0.7
A library/cli to fetch all public IP addresses associated with an AWS account
22.419 Descargas
awspusher 1.0.0
AWSpusher makes it easy to deploy to EC2
2.932 Descargas
aws-pws 0.1.1
A password-protected CredentialProvider for AWS
14.020 Descargas
awsqr 0.1.0
CLI utility to add issuer field to AWS QR Code for IAM MFA
3.555 Descargas
awsquery 0.3.3
A collection of tools for querying AWS hosts based on metadata and manipulating them
26.480 Descargas
aws-rails-provisioner 0.0.2.rc4
Define and deploy containerized Ruby on Rails Applications on AWS.
7.959 Descargas
awsraw 0.1.9
A client for Amazon Web Services in the style of FlickRaw
52.774 Descargas