awesome_sort 0.4.2
This gem should make the creation of responsive sortable tables much easier.
40.625 Descargas
awesome_spawn 1.6.0
AwesomeSpawn is a module that provides some useful features over Ruby's Kernel.spawn.
478.881 Descargas
awesome_sr_gem 0.0.0
awesome_sr_gem is the best
2.245 Descargas
awesome_tables 0.0.6
A gem for creating awesome, consistently styled tables
19.796 Descargas
awesome_tooltip 0.1.15
Server-side tooltips for your Ruby on Rails application with Vanila JS
27.150 Descargas
awesome_translations 0.0.66
Semi-automatic maintenance of most translations in a Rails app.
238.352 Descargas
awesome_type 0.0.1
The implementation of some types with Ruby.
2.223 Descargas
awesome_usps 0.9.0
Ruby wrapper for the various USPS APIs
15.682 Descargas
awesome_votes 0.1.0
3.918 Descargas
awesome_xml 1.2.0
Have XML data that you want to bend to your willand conform to your schema? This gem is...
27.828 Descargas
awesome_xml_dsl 0.1.6
A simple yet powerful ruby dsl for generating XML files
16.228 Descargas
awesomplete 0.0.6
Add awesomplete assets to your Rails app assets path. Based on http://leaverou.github.i...
23.707 Descargas
awestruct 0.6.7
Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of...
766.028 Descargas
awestruct-ibeams 0.4.3
Collection of helpful Awestruct extensions and helpers
321.080 Descargas
awestructx 0.4.1
Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites.
12.203 Descargas
awetestlib 1.2.4
Features robust and flexible reporting.
263.554 Descargas
awful 0.0.185
AWS cmdline and yaml loader.
456.109 Descargas
awfy 0.4.0
awfy is a benchmarking tool that allows you to define groups of benchmarks and compare ...
485 Descargas
aw-highstock_rails 7.0.3
Wrapper for Highstock charting plugin
3.059 Descargas
awhyte-rtex 2.1.3
LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin
7.027 Descargas
awis4ruby 0.9.0
== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Up-to-date Ruby client * Allows simple access to most popular ...
8.605 Descargas
awis-sdk-ruby 2.1.0
Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)
127.364 Descargas
Ruby - Amazon Alexa Web Information Service Library (AWIS)
3.820 Descargas
awis-wrapper 3.0.0
Easy to use, to navigate around the response
28.578 Descargas
awkward 1.0.0
Awkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for viewing in ...
5.958 Descargas
awkward_turtle 0.0.4
An animated awkward turtle for your terminal
22.994 Descargas
awlify 0.0.2
this takes a string, searching for any words that have AWL synonyms, then randomly subs...
3.673 Descargas
awl_tags_twitter 1.0.2
Grab tags from The Awl posts and tweet them out. This isn't anything crazy
13.680 Descargas
awonwon 0.0.2
Try To Make A Ruby Gem
7.231 Descargas
awoo 0.0.0
A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.
2.753 Descargas