RubyGems Navigation menu


alchemy-sentry 1.0.0

Adds a Sentry error notifier to AlchemyCMS.

1.821 Descargas

alchemy-site_bootstrapping 0.1.0

Bootstrap your Alchemy sites

2.772 Descargas

alchemy-solidus 7.4.0

A AlchemyCMS and Solidus integration

93.536 Descargas

alchemy_spree 0.3.0

A Alchemy CMS and Spree connector

30.355 Descargas

alchemy-usermanual 0.9.2

This gem adds a user manual module to your alchemy cms driven application.

4.749 Descargas

alchy 0.0.2

Play the famous Alchemy game from your terminal.

3.119 Descargas

alcohol 0.0.0

Coming soon

3.855 Descargas

al-commands 0.1.0

Display a menu from ./commands.yml with commands executable

2.030 Descargas

alcove 0.2.3

Painless code coverage reporting for Xcode projects written in Objective-C.

53.429 Descargas

alco_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2.693 Descargas

ALD 0.1.1

A gem containing helpers for the ALD API, the ALD package format and ALD package defini...

12.045 Descargas

aldagai 0.1.5

Make zero downtime deployments easier allowing developers to promote environment variables

15.632 Descargas

alda-rb 0.3.1

A Ruby library for live-coding music with Alda.

10.000 Descargas

aldebaran 1.0.1

Aldebaran is Web-development DSL micro-framework written with Mathematical Constructions

5.912 Descargas

alder 0.1.0

A library for transforming hashes

3.440 Descargas

aldous 1.1.3

Rails brave new world

149.374 Descargas

aldrich 0.1.0

A project that is an attempt to rehabilitate and generalize a data ingestion/importatio...

4.212 Descargas

aldy_debug_kit_sqlite3 0.1.7

This gem get all table infomations using activerecord.

15.125 Descargas

ale 0.0.3

Takes a static site and uploads it to Amazon's S3.

25.914 Descargas

alea 0.1.1

alea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.

11.573 Descargas

ale_air 0.1.0

Easy to use air quality of major cities. Everything has been parsed for you and ready t...

13.136 Descargas

aLearn 0.1.0

In this algorith, it can be adjusted to any number of training examples automatically. ...

1.867 Descargas

alec-gem 2.7.2

A gem that provides a client interface for the alec error logger

2.562 Descargas

aleenee 0.0.1


4.272 Descargas

aleenee-rails 0.0.1


4.201 Descargas

alef-rails 0.0.1

the Alef font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline (

4.904 Descargas

alego_functions 0.0.8

Tem a funcionalidade de prover métodos prontos de manipulação de data, moeda e outros

13.655 Descargas

alego_pdf 3.0.0

Gem responsible for joining 1 or more PDF in the same file.

2.719 Descargas

alego_report 0.2.0

Tem a funcionalidade de facilitar a geração de relatórios utilizando rghost

39.183 Descargas

alegra 0.4.1

Gem to wrap Alegra API. This is unofficial gem (until now)

17.045 Descargas