zeitwerk 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk
hoalife 0.1.8
Interface for the HOALife.com HTTP API.
8,618 下载
moneylovercli 0.1.7
Submit using ML API
8,554 下载
webtranslateit-payday 1.6.7
Payday is a library for rendering invoices to pdf.
8,521 下载
ekylibre-plugin_system 0.7.0
Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container
8,417 下载
lifeform 0.15.0
Component-centric form object rendering for Ruby
8,364 下载
lograge_waittime 0.4.1
Add webserver request queueing time to lograge output.
8,314 下载
plutonium 0.15.6
Plutonium extends Rails' capabilities with a powerful, generator-driven toolkit designe...
8,295 下载
async-tools 0.2.10
A set of useful tools for async programming with Async.
8,279 下载
nextgen 0.28.2
Nextgen is an interactive and flexible alternative to `rails new` that includes opt-in ...
8,243 下载
superform 0.5.0
A better way to customize and build forms for your Rails application
8,221 下载
language-ruby 1.1.2
parser dsl
8,098 下载
impersonator 0.1.3
Record and replay object interactions. Ideal for mocking not-http services when testing...
8,081 下载
implicit_rendering 0.1.4
Adjust default template names used for implicit rendering in Rails controllers
8,065 下载
m2m_keygen 0.4.7
Secure M2M key generator for Ruby. Generates secure keys for M2M communication in REST ...
7,998 下载
active_shotgun 0.0.4
Allow using a Shotgun site as a DB for Active Model objects.
7,993 下载
boom_nats 0.1.5
Create ruby server or integrates with a Rails app to integrate NATS messages consumer
7,934 下载
dinja 2.0.0
Dinja, Dependency Injection Ninja allows you to decouple abstractions from implementations
7,759 下载
youcanbookme 0.0.6.alpha
Client for accessing YouCanBook.me APIs
7,714 下载
bx_builder_chain 0.1.18
LangChain but for the builder tech stack.
7,699 下载
jets-git 0.2.1
Gathers git information for Jets.
7,691 下载
schaltroom 0.0.3
schaltroom is the Client Gem for the Schaltroomconfiguration server
7,658 下载
bundle_update_interactive 0.9.0
Adds an update-interactive command to Bundler
7,630 下载
redis_locker 0.1.3
redis locker gem allows to lock model methods to prevent concurent execution
7,562 下载
brevio-session 1.0.0
Wrapper around HTTP session set by Brevio ID
7,467 下载
heroku-config 0.4.0
Heroku Config AWS Access Key Rotator
7,377 下载
transactable 0.12.0
A domain specific language for functionally composable transactional workflows.
7,343 下载
netatmo 0.1.3
Ruby Wrapper for the Netatmo HTTP API
7,203 下载
finviz 0.4.0
Easy way tp access data from finviz.com.
7,046 下载
realm-sns 0.7.4
SNS/SQS plugin for Realm
6,947 下载
activestorage_openstack 0.1.6
OpenStack ActiveStorage service without dependencies.
6,924 下载