zeitwerk 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 zeitwerk
globus_client 0.14.0
This provides API interaction with the Globus API
10,741 下载
wipe_out 1.1.0
Library for removing and clearing data in Rails ActiveRecord models. Allows to define d...
10,717 下载
dhl_ecommerce_eu 0.1.5
Ruby API wrapper for DHL eCommerce EU. Currently only supports the Return Connect produ...
10,654 下载
oauth2_dingtalk 0.2.4
Wrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API
10,502 下载
prop_initializer 0.2.0
PropInitializer provides an easy way to define properties for Ruby classes with options...
10,496 下载
spektr 0.4.1
Rails static code analyzer for security issues
10,435 下载
forest_admin_agent 1.0.0.pre.beta.78
Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
10,268 下载
active_brainz 0.3.1
ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database
10,225 下载
foxpage 1.0.0
A very overengineered static-page generator
10,120 下载
realm-core 0.7.6
Domain layer framework following Domain-driven/CQRS design principles
9,938 下载
datacaster 4.1.0
Run-time type checker and transformer for Ruby
9,896 下载
e_plat 0.9.9
Creates a single interface for integrating with ecommerce platform APIs.
9,854 下载
forest_admin_datasource_active_record 1.0.0.pre.beta.78
Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
9,660 下载
tiny_admin 0.10.1
A compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby
9,657 下载
buildium 0.0.6
This gem has been removed and deprecated due to incompatability with Buildium's busines...
9,588 下载
coverart 1.0.1
A tiny client for the Cover Art Archive web service
9,541 下载
trains 0.1.0
Collect metadata about your Rails app by statically analyzing it
9,368 下载
interaktor 0.4.0
A common interface for building service objects.
9,352 下载
shopify-client 0.0.7
Shopify client library
9,342 下载
countless 1.3.4
This gem includes reusable code statistics / annotations helpers / Rake tasks.
9,261 下载
gearhead 0.4.2
Description of Gearhead.
9,212 下载
ecs-solo 0.1.4
Deploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance
9,184 下载
ghub 0.20.0
A monadic GitHub API client.
9,178 下载
view_partial_form_builder 0.2.2
A Rails form builder where all designer-facing configuration is via templates.
9,159 下载
gem_lookup 1.3.0
Simple but effective command line interface that looks up gems using RubyGems.org's pub...
9,098 下载
forest_admin_rails 1.0.0.pre.beta.78
Forest is a modern admin interface that works on all major web frameworks. This gem mak...
9,078 下载
pdf-rendering-srv-ruby 0.1.3
Simple Ruby wrapper for seding requests to pdf-rendering-srv.
9,065 下载
texy 0.10.2
Command line tool for SoW writing
8,842 下载
aws-rotate 0.4.0
Easy way to rotate all your AWS keys in your ~/.aws/credentials
8,685 下载
http-fake 3.9.0
A HTTP fake implementation for test suites.
8,632 下载