Dépendances inversées pour zeitwerk Latest version of the following gems require zeitwerk
redi_search 7.0.0
RediSearch ruby wrapper that can integrate with Rails
48 755 Téléchargements
onoma 0.9.3
Actual support Open-Nomenclature data and gem for use
48 233 Téléchargements
tally 2.0.0
Tally is a simple Rails engine for capturing counts of various activities around an app...
48 172 Téléchargements
ine-places 0.6.1
Work with Spanish regions using INE codes and data
47 694 Téléchargements
bali 6.0.1
Bali (Bulwark Authorization Library) is a to-the-point authorization library for Rails.
47 408 Téléchargements
gitt 3.10.0
A monadic Object API for the Git CLI.
47 351 Téléchargements
preservation-client 7.0.1
A Ruby client for the RESTful HTTP APIs provided by the Preservation Catalog API.
46 263 Téléchargements
swarm_cluster_cli_ope 0.8.2
Gestione di varie operazioni come sincronia con le cartelle bindate dei container (rsyn...
43 861 Téléchargements
graphiti-activegraph 0.1.24
Easily build jsonapi.org-compatible APIs for GraphDB
43 823 Téléchargements
exercism_config 0.32.0
Retrieves stored config for Exercism
43 795 Téléchargements
metal_archives 3.2.0
Ruby API layer that transparently queries, scrapes and caches Metal Archives' website
43 757 Téléchargements
zatca 1.1.0
A library for generating QR Codes for the e-invoice standard by ZATCA in Saudi Arabia.
43 603 Téléchargements
tone 1.9.0
A customizable ANSI text terminal colorizer.
41 522 Téléchargements
terraspace_ci_github 0.2.0
Terraspace CI GitHub support
40 241 Téléchargements
epb_view_models 2.0.4
Library used to parse Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
40 120 Téléchargements
html2rss 0.15.0
Supports JSON content, custom HTTP headers, and post-processing of extracted content.
37 885 Téléchargements
jekyll-geolexica 1.9.6
Geolexica plugin for Jekyll
37 779 Téléchargements
concurrent_rails 0.6.1
Small library to make concurrent-ruby and Rails play nice together
36 898 Téléchargements
pipedream 0.4.8
A beautiful and powerful DSL to create and manage AWS CodePipeline pipelines
36 757 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
ruby_tree_sitter 1.7.0
Ruby bindings for Tree-Sitter
36 711 Téléchargements
qalam_merit 4.5.12
Manage badges, points and rankings (reputation) in your Rails app.
34 665 Téléchargements