RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para zeitwerk La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren zeitwerk

metasploit-concern 5.0.3

Automatically includes Modules from app/concerns//.rb in...

2.708.725 Descargas

packwerk-extensions 0.3.0

A collection of extensions for packwerk packages.

2.608.830 Descargas

gruf-rspec 1.0.1

RSpec assistance library for gruf, including testing helpers

1.873.688 Descargas

confiner 0.4.0

Yaml rule-based confinement

1.473.430 Descargas

rom 5.3.2

Persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby

1.469.064 Descargas

dry-transformer 1.0.1

Data transformation toolkit

1.415.021 Descargas

blacklight 8.6.1

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1.399.013 Descargas

ruby-lokalise-api 9.2.0

Opinionated Ruby client for the Lokalise platform API allowing to work with translation...

1.383.344 Descargas

vonage 7.28.0

Vonage Server SDK for Ruby

1.191.922 Descargas

cli-format 0.6.1

Format cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc

1.152.989 Descargas

telegram-bot-ruby 2.0.0

Ruby wrapper for Telegram's Bot API

1.131.703 Descargas

avo 3.13.7

Avo is a very custom Content Management System for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers a...

886.196 Descargas

hanami-controller 2.1.0

Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack

880.527 Descargas

merit 4.0.3

Manage badges, points and rankings (reputation) in your Rails app.

827.936 Descargas

terraspace 2.2.17

Terraspace: The Terraspace Framework

824.138 Descargas

hanami 2.1.1

Hanami is a web framework for Ruby

774.636 Descargas

dry-effects 0.4.1

Algebraic effects

735.718 Descargas

lokalise_rails 7.0.1

This gem allows to exchange translation files between your Rails app and Lokalise TMS.

732.273 Descargas

dsl_evaluator 0.3.2

DSL evaluation library. It produces a human-friendly backtrace error

700.688 Descargas

jets 6.0.3

Jets is a Serverless Deployment Service. Jets makes it easy to deploy and run your app ...

695.045 Descargas

hanami-cli 2.1.1

Hanami command line

678.321 Descargas

rspec-terraspace 0.3.3

Terraspace RSpec support

670.462 Descargas

hanami-view 2.1.0

A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...

620.518 Descargas

terraspace_plugin_aws 0.6.1

Terraspace AWS Plugin

602.620 Descargas

s3-secure 0.7.0

S3 Bucket security hardening tool

586.856 Descargas

kamal 2.3.0

Deploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.

568.822 Descargas

terraspace-bundler 0.5.0

Bundles terraform modules

562.685 Descargas

hanami-assets 2.1.0

Assets management for Ruby web applications

550.457 Descargas

service_actor 3.9.4

Service objects for your application logic

547.714 Descargas

slack-ruby-block-kit 0.24.0

A ruby wrapper for Slack's Block Kit

493.717 Descargas

Total de descargas 411.332.890

Para esta versión 1.317.034

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.2
