RubyGems Navigation menu

tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo

tbk 1.0.3

Ruby implementation of Transbank's Webpay protocol

18,286 下载

bahai_date 1.4.0

Provides functionality to convert between the Gregorian and Baha'i calendar, as well as...

18,242 下载


A fork of the original 'font-awesome-rails' gem to include a base64 encoded css file of...

18,153 下载

sequel-jdbc-as400 1.1.0

The Database Toolkit for Ruby: JDBC AS400 driver

17,906 下载

human_date 0.0.3

View helpers to make your Dates and Times more human like

17,816 下载

browserid-auth-rails 0.5.7

This gem provides a lightweight single-sign-on authentication framework to a Rails ...

17,563 下载

iknow_params 2.3.1

Rails parameter parser for iKnow.

17,422 下载

reality 0.0.5

Reality provides access to knowledge about real world (like geography, history, peo...

17,142 下载

rails3b 3.0.1

My kingdom for working dependencies.

16,946 下载

fa-harness-tools 1.3.2

FreeAgent-specific pre-flight checks and tools that are designed to work in

16,882 下载

june-analytics-ruby 2.4.3

The ruby analytics library

16,510 下载

ember-rails-lite 0.18.0

Ember for Rails 3.1+ without ActiveModel::Serializers

16,263 下载

ruby_core_extensions 0.4.0

These are extensions from core ruby classes.

16,168 下载

pseudo_entity 0.1.2

A class for generating realistic looking data for people, companies, etc.

16,160 下载

spatial_stats 2.0.0

An ActiveRecord/PostGIS extension that provides statistical methods to spatial postgres...

15,698 下载

mmb-seasonal 0.0.7

Create a calendar of date and time events and execute code based on which events are cu...

15,419 下载

mosaic-lyris 1.0.6

A wrapper for the Lyris/EmailLabs API to simplify integration

15,385 下载

cinebase 3.0.1

I maintain several gems for cinema times in the UK, this gem is the interface descriptor.

15,247 下载

ruby-tumblr 0.0.2

ruby-tumblr is a library for tumblr API.

15,170 下载

nostradamus 1.0.0

Time calculation

15,125 下载

mongoid_ext 0.9.0

mongoid plugins

15,091 下载

s3_browser_uploads 0.1.2

Easy straight-to-s3 uploads from your browser

14,962 下载

fine_uploader 3.5.0

User-friendly file-uploading experience over the web

14,789 下载

has_zone 0.0.4

Provides a way to convert from TZinfo time zone identifer to ActiveSupport TimeZone for...

14,713 下载

thrillcall-api 0.1.1

Simple wrapper around's API

14,504 下载

overture 0.2.1

Compilation of tools and configurations that will help you get started with your back-e...

14,467 下载

timesteps 1.0.8

A library for time conversion and intercomparison of multiple time series data in th...

14,257 下载

artic 1.0.5

A Ruby gem for time computations.

14,104 下载

thartmx 0.2.2

changed 'all tasks' to 'inbox', forked from, thamayor...

13,978 下载

astronomer 2.0.14

The ruby analytics library, adapted by

13,845 下载

下载总量 924,141,556

这个版本 172,674,729




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
