RubyGems Navigation menu

tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo

fozzie_rails 0.0.4

Gem to make statistics sending from Rails applications simple and efficient as possible

23,770 下载

zmanim 0.5.0

Port from Eliyahu Hershfeld's KosherJava project, with some Ruby niceties and other min...

23,238 下载

fluent-plugin-time_parser 0.1.0

Fluentd plugin to parse the time parameter.

23,025 下载

fluent-plugin-time_parser 0.1.0

Fluentd plugin to parse the time parameter.

23,025 下载

ruy 2.0.1

A library for defining a set of conditions, matching them against an input, and finally...

22,913 下载

ip_lookup 1.2.6

IPLookup uses GeoIP2 MaxMind DB to lookup the country, timezone, coordinates and locale...

22,902 下载

stalkr 0.9.6

Ruby library for tracking UPS, Fedex and USPS packages.

22,746 下载

sportweb 0.3.3

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

22,593 下载

mytradewizard 0.0.8

Helpers for CME Group, Interactive Brokers, and Yahoo Finance

22,559 下载

rocket_navigation 0.3.3

Currently alpha qualiy, use at your own risk.

22,184 下载

bootstrap_pager 0.11.0

Like its ancestor Kaminari, BootstrapPager is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerf...

21,541 下载

cells-capture 0.0.3

Provides content_for for Cells.

21,408 下载

heimdallr-resource 1.2.0

Heimdallr-Resource provides CanCan-like interface for Heimdallr-secured objects.

21,405 下载

a0-tzmigration-ruby 1.0.2

A gem that helps migration between timezone changes when they happen in the tzdata/zone...

21,334 下载

flightstats 0.0.6

FlightStats wrapper

21,222 下载

wits 1.2.0

A Ruby interface for WITS (Wholesale and information trading system) to retrieve Ne...

21,104 下载

sandy 0.0.7

Presents a simple API to consume power outage data for the Greater New York area.

20,974 下载

arbre2 2.2.4

An Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby

20,787 下载

ierail 0.4.1

Irish Rail Train Schedule and Status API

20,716 下载

adept_dynamoid 0.6.0

Dynamoid is an ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB that supports offline development, association...

20,701 下载

gl-matrix-rails 0.1.5

A gem to automate using gl-matrix with Rails 3

20,213 下载

couch_potato-rails2 0.5.10

Ruby persistence layer for CouchDB

20,035 下载

segment 2.2.5

The Segment ruby analytics library

19,933 下载

ice_cube_chosko 0.2.0

ice_cube is a recurring date library for Ruby. It allows for quick, programatic expans...

19,541 下载

coprl 0.1.0

COPRL is a Ruby DSL for rendering user interfaces.

19,434 下载

nike_v2_neura 0.3.7

Nike+ API V2 Gem

19,383 下载

ashmont 0.11.1

ActiveModel-like objects and helpers for interacting with Braintree.

18,900 下载

whatup 0.3.5

whatup is a simple server-based instant messaging application using TCP sockets. It wa...

18,847 下载


RTL version of bootstrap-sass

18,719 下载

trifle-stats 1.3.1

Trifle::Stats is a way too simple timeline analytics that helps you track custom metric...

18,456 下载

下载总量 924,115,149

这个版本 172,653,616




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
