RubyGems Navigation menu

tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo

wasserstand 0.0.11

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for Pegel Online

35,113 下载

massive_record 0.2.2

HBase Ruby client API

34,788 下载

s3_deployer 0.7.3

Simple gem for deploying client apps to S3

34,692 下载

teasy 0.2.8

Teasy builds on tzinfo to get time zone data and provides tim...

34,438 下载

middleman-presentation-core 0.17.7

Presentation engine for Middleman

33,751 下载

voom-presenters 2.1.2

Presenters Gem.

33,579 下载

workpattern 0.6.0

Calculates dates and durations whilst taking into account working and non-working times...

33,414 下载

campfire_export 0.3.0

Export transcripts and uploaded files from your 37signals' Campfire account.

33,301 下载

kuztuscms 0.0.10

KuztusCMS for rails >= 3.1

33,127 下载

audiojs-rails 1.0.1

Audio.js on Rails Asset Pipeline

32,870 下载

business-hours 0.0.9

Defines close and open time for business which are open later then 12am

32,684 下载


Blackbeard is a Redis backed metrics collection system with a Rack dashboard. It dreams...

32,581 下载

mm_partial_update 0.1.8

Partial updates for MongoMapper

32,348 下载

calculated 0.1.6

makes using a simple api even more simple;

31,764 下载

vagrant-guests-clearlinux 1.2.4

Enables Vagrant to manage Clear Linux guests.

29,761 下载

batch-rails-4 0.2.3

Gem of asset pipeline for the Batch icon set as a webfont

29,474 下载

add_to_calendar_links 0.4.8

Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, Outloo...

29,228 下载

eventbrite-client 0.1.4

A tiny EventBrite API client. (

28,828 下载

dynamic_time_zone 0.6.2

Dynamically set the offset from UTC from timezone identifier

28,773 下载

newgistics 2.5.0

Ruby API client for Newgistics

28,746 下载

rmuh 0.3.1

ArmA 2 Ruby Library for RPT, Log, and GameSpy

27,738 下载

formnestic 1.0.12

An extension of famous Formtastic Form Builder to make building nested and association ...

27,634 下载

geolexica-site 1.7.10

Geolexica sites generator based on Jekyll

26,863 下载

pulse_meter_core 0.5.5

Lightweight metrics processor

26,511 下载

mhc 1.2.7

Message Harmonized Calendaring.

26,073 下载

rtmapi 0.6.3

Remember the Milk is a task management tool at The is ...

25,042 下载

me2api-ruby 0.2.4

me2API is OpenAPI of me2day. me2api-ruby is a ruby library for the me2API

24,868 下载

salesmachine-ruby 1.0.0

Ruby client for the next gen CRM.

24,347 下载

forex_date 1.0.4

A forex week begins when the Wellington/Sydney forex markets open (Sun 5pm EST) and clo...

24,345 下载

sports_direct 0.0.7

An interface library for the Sports Direct web service.

23,828 下载

下载总量 924,088,789

这个版本 172,632,246




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
