RubyGems Navigation menu

tzinfo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 tzinfo

national-rail 0.4.13

Includes journey planner, live departure boards (both National Rail & Virgin), and a st...

93,523 下载

perfectsched 0.8.12

Highly available distributed cron built on RDBMS

92,973 下载

jquery-selectbox 0.2.1

Custom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI source

92,703 下载

startback 1.0.3

Yet another ruby backend framework, I'm afraid

91,767 下载

coursegen 0.9.25

Use Nanoc to build courses and deploy them to S3

89,307 下载

RubySunrise 0.3.3

Calculate the sunrise/sunset given lat/long coordinates and the date. Computes civil, ...

86,315 下载

attribution 0.10.0

Add attributes to Ruby objects

86,022 下载

rack-time-zone-header 0.1.2

Allow web service clients to specify the request time zone in an HTTP header.

83,916 下载

dm-zone-types 0.3

Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper

83,027 下载

kiss 1.8.9

An MVC web application framework using Rack, Sequel, and Erubis.

81,857 下载

tkellem 0.9.7

IRC bouncer with multi-client support

80,527 下载

turbot-ruby-gems 0.34

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

79,690 下载

infostrada 0.1.28

Wrapper for the Infostrada Football API using httparty.

78,376 下载

beeminder 0.2.13

Convenient access to Beeminder's API.

78,131 下载

resque_safe 0.0.8

Coverts hash and ActiveRecord objects to minimal repersentations for resque to use

77,170 下载

embulk-input-mixpanel 0.6.1

Loads records from Mixpanel.

76,420 下载

mongo_odm 0.2.20

mongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.

74,564 下载

mongo_odm 0.2.20

mongo_odm is a flexible persistence module for any Ruby class to MongoDB.

74,564 下载

pokerstats 2.3.0

a library for extracting, computing and reporting statistics of poker hands parsed from...

73,763 下载

rrrspec-client 0.4.6

Execute RSpec in a distributed manner

73,133 下载

source-sans-pro-rails 0.7.0

Add Adobe's Source Sans Pro Font to your Rails app through the asset pipeline

72,022 下载

zetabot 2.1.1

Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework

70,405 下载

geonames_api 0.1.6

Simple ruby client for the GeoNames API to get free and easy geographic info.

67,836 下载

granite-form 0.6.0

Making object from any hash or hash array

67,804 下载

h2ocube_rails_helper 0.2.1

Just an helper collection

66,736 下载

mongomapper_ext 0.5.2

MongoMapper extensions

66,672 下载

bigquery_migration 0.3.2

Migrate BigQuery table schema.

61,459 下载

bandshell 1.7.1

Client-side tools for Concerto digital signage

61,030 下载

cache-flow 0.1.0

Define a window of time to have all your cache expire randomly within.

60,673 下载

kronic 1.1.3

A dirt simple library for parsing and formatting human readable dates

60,527 下载

下载总量 885,842,533

这个版本 142,010,759



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
