RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour slim Latest version of the following gems require slim

mado 0.2.1

Realtime Github Flavored Markdown Preview with WebSocket

23 666 Téléchargements

nyanko 0.0.9

Nyanko is a Rails extension tool deeply inspired from Chanko

23 520 Téléchargements

simple_text 0.0.23

A simple markdown document system to present documents such as Terms & Conditions o...

23 178 Téléchargements

sidekiq-dynamic-queues 0.6.0

A sidekiq plugin for specifying the queues a worker pulls from with wildcards, negation...

22 779 Téléchargements

wildcard_finders 0.2.1

finders for capybara

22 494 Téléchargements

toadie 0.0.8

Analyze your source code, find open todos and output a nice html report.

22 304 Téléchargements

middleman-ganbaruzoi 1.0.0

Boilerplate of Middleman using Slim, Sass and CoffeeScript.

22 244 Téléchargements

npsearch 2.1.8

Search for Neuropeptides based solely on the common neuropeptide markers (e.g. signal p...

21 636 Téléchargements

awesome_admin_layout 0.3.0

AwesomeAdminLayout provides a simple way to add admin panel layout to your application.

21 503 Téléchargements

middleman-tansu 0.1.4

A template of Middleman to manage Markdown files efficiently.

21 176 Téléchargements

speed_gun 2.0.1

Better web app profiler for Rails apps

20 912 Téléchargements

tilt-pdf 0.10.0

Integrates PDF generation into a Tilt flow

20 823 Téléchargements

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

20 806 Téléchargements

action_admin 0.1.8

Ruby on Rails mountable engine to create admin interfaces.

20 776 Téléchargements

engine2 1.0.9

Tree based routing framework with scaffolding support

20 591 Téléchargements

bankrupt 3.0.0

Load files from local disk or from a CDN in production.

20 582 Téléchargements

solidus_subscription_boxes 0.0.13

Add subscription box support to Solidus

19 902 Téléchargements

sidekiq-redis-logger 0.2.0

Direct Sidekiq logs into Redis as well

19 711 Téléchargements

toro 0.2.2

Transparent, extensible background processing for Ruby & PostgreSQL

19 667 Téléchargements

gg 0.9.13

Log to the Browser

19 558 Téléchargements

thm 0.5.7

Threatmonitor - Packet Capture / Analysis Suite

19 519 Téléchargements

kanpachi 0.0.7

Provides a DSL to describe your web API, generate documentation, and will eventually he...

19 444 Téléchargements

cardboard_cms 0.3.1

Rails CMS made simple

19 236 Téléchargements

middleman-gemoji 0.1.2

Github-flavored emoji plugin for Middleman.

18 807 Téléchargements

cloudpress 0.1.6

A blogging framework that uses dropbox as it's storage engine

18 530 Téléchargements

nanoc-oo 0.0.6

with this you can map classes to directories and use inheritance in your nanoc site

18 528 Téléchargements

gnucash-invoice 0.1.4

GnuCash invoice printer for human beings.

18 259 Téléchargements

slim2html 0.3.3

Slim template convert to HTML recurtively.

17 716 Téléchargements

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17 612 Téléchargements

sidekiq-redislog 0.0.7

View redis log for sidekiq under the sidekiq admin page

17 416 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 65 164 957

Pour cette version 971 355



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
