RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour slim Latest version of the following gems require slim

holoserve 0.4.4

This tool can be used to fake webservice APIs for testing proposals.

37 370 Téléchargements

cuba-tools 0.0.13

Contains a group of tools to extend cuba

37 369 Téléchargements

prometheus-splash 0.9.1

Prometheus Logs and Batchs supervision over PushGateway and commands orchestration

37 130 Téléchargements

genevalidatorapp 2.1.8

A Web App wrapper for GeneValidator, a program for validating gene predictions.

36 909 Téléchargements

frontman-ssg 0.1.1

A Middleman-inspired static site generator built for speed.

36 528 Téléchargements

genevalidator 2.1.5

The tool validates the input predicted genes and provides useful information (length va...

36 160 Téléchargements

gusto 1.0.0.beta17

Gusto is Coffeescript behavioral testing framework, with a command line tool that can b...

35 225 Téléchargements

madride 1.1.0

Zero-configuration command-line HTTP server.

35 012 Téléchargements

simple_form_markdown_editor 1.0.0

Simple Markdown editor (inspired by GitHub editor).

34 967 Téléchargements

rails_api_documentation 0.3.4

Document and view nice API docs.

33 646 Téléchargements

the_role_management_panel 3.8.3

Management panel for TheRole on Bootstrap3

32 672 Téléchargements


Hamlet is a template language whose goal is reduce HTML syntax to the essential parts.

32 437 Téléchargements

helena 2.1.0

Helena is an online survey/test framework designed for agile survey/test development, l...

32 324 Téléchargements

curtain 0.3.2

A template rendering framework

31 368 Téléchargements

middleman-slim 0.2.2

A Middleman template using Slim. You can use Slim as easy in Middleman Project

31 282 Téléchargements

madman 0.3.3

A command line utility for markdown fun

31 006 Téléchargements

punk 0.4.1

Punk! is an omakase web framework for rapid prototyping.

30 946 Téléchargements

rademade_admin 0.2.2

Best rails admin panel. Great mechanism for customization and rapid development

29 840 Téléchargements

social_snippet-registry_core 0.0.13

The server-side core classes for social-snippet-registry

29 423 Téléchargements

br_nfe 2.3.2

BrNfe é uma gem para projetos Ruby on Rails que tem como objetifo facilitar e padroniza...

29 027 Téléchargements

ds_media_library 0.7.2

Downstream Media Library Rails Engine

28 611 Téléchargements

gaku_frontend 0.3.0

The default Rails front end for GAKU Engine, with web views etc.

27 908 Téléchargements

slim-embedded-minify 0.2.7

A slim file to minify embedded code.

27 558 Téléchargements

cup 0.0.8

ruby based tools for developing javascript libraries

27 035 Téléchargements

sitespec 1.2.1

Generate static site from your rack application & test files

25 398 Téléchargements

slim-htag 0.1.0

Slim filter providing a heading tag with parametrized (dynamic) level (h1-h6)

25 226 Téléchargements

wacky 0.1.5

A wiki engine for rails

24 743 Téléchargements

hstatic 0.1.4

Hstatic is a simple HTTP server for your static files. It's designed for launching it f...

24 707 Téléchargements

slim2pdf 0.1.0

Slim2pdf renders slim template with data hash and save the results as pdf file.

23 789 Téléchargements

mado 0.2.1

Realtime Github Flavored Markdown Preview with WebSocket

23 658 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 65 108 849

Pour cette version 953 749



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5.0
