RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour sass Latest version of the following gems require sass

singularitygs 1.8.0

Advanced responsive grid system for Sass and Compass

690 548 Téléchargements

sinatra-asset-pipeline 2.2.1

An asset pipeline implementation for Sinatra based on Sprockets with support for SASS, ...

673 511 Téléchargements


Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects

636 079 Téléchargements

govuk_design_system_formbuilder 5.4.0

This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...

629 552 Téléchargements

simplecov-bamboo 0.1.0

Integrate SimpleCov results into Atlassian Bamboo CI server

622 748 Téléchargements

turnip_formatter 0.8.0

RSpec custom formatter for Turnip

609 940 Téléchargements

redis-browser 0.5.1

Web-based Redis browser that can work as standalone app or mounted Rails engine.

580 773 Téléchargements

sass-json-vars 0.3.3

A Ruby Sass custom importer that allows the use of JSON to declare variables with @impo...

566 129 Téléchargements

smock 0.1.268

This gem provides the basic styles and files for use in an application that needs Studi...

549 002 Téléchargements

deprecations_detector 0.2.2

A tool to display deprecations in a simple way on a single HTML page.

498 597 Téléchargements

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

492 949 Téléchargements

dashing 1.3.7

This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...

464 612 Téléchargements

sass-css-importer 1.0.0.beta.0

Allows importing of css files using Sass @import directives.

456 179 Téléchargements

zendesk_apps_support 4.40.0

Support to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

430 541 Téléchargements

contour 3.0.1

Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication

420 889 Téléchargements


Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world

407 142 Téléchargements

sproutcore 1.11.0

SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. Th...

406 151 Téléchargements

bootstrap-glyphicons 0.0.1

bootstrap glyphicons scss

399 168 Téléchargements

volt 0.9.6

A reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie...

388 974 Téléchargements

guard-sass 1.6.1

Guard::Sass automatically rebuilds sass (like sass --watch)

380 535 Téléchargements

erector 0.10.0

Erector is a Builder-like view framework, inspired by Markaby but overcoming some of it...

379 036 Téléchargements


To be used for sharing standard assets between the multiple modules of a platform

373 428 Téléchargements

sass-media_query_combiner 0.0.7

Automatically combine media queries

370 052 Téléchargements

sinatra-assetpack 0.3.5

Package your assets for Sinatra.

368 811 Téléchargements

reverse_coverage 0.1.1

A tool to find what specs examples cover a specific line of code

368 534 Téléchargements

govuk-components 5.4.0

This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...

350 850 Téléchargements

ymdp 1.4.7

Framework for developing applications in the Yahoo! Mail Development Platform.

302 530 Téléchargements

bonethug 0.0.99

Project Skeleton Manager

300 953 Téléchargements

fanforce-plugin-factory 1.6.1

Everything needed to setup a new plugin on Fanforce

297 598 Téléchargements

papercrop 0.3.0

An easy extension for Paperclip to crop your image uploads using jCrop

284 713 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 325 623 518

Pour cette version 73 961 753



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0.0
