RubyGems Navigation menu

sass 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sass

nali 0.4.4

Async web framework

87,897 下載

scut 1.4.0

A collection of Sass utilities to ease and improve our implementations of common style-...

85,596 下載

ethosstyles 0.1.19

A design system for Ethos

85,045 下載

flag-icon-sass 1.1.3

'flag-icon-sass' gem allows you to integrate sass version of

84,117 下載

mice 0.2.14

Mice is semantic front-end framework.

82,091 下載

marfa 0.10.2

Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects

81,111 下載

iam 0.3.3

Simple account switcher for Rails that automatically retrieves a few user accounts for ...

80,910 下載

kentucky 3.1.0

Kentucky is a class-independent front-end framework built as a standard project startin...

80,670 下載

brevis 0.2.9

A collection of Sass utilities

79,463 下載

machined 1.1.0

Why another static site generator? Machined is for the developers who know and love the...

78,556 下載

zassets 0.2.12

Assets server and builder

77,076 下載

piano 0.12.0

Out-of-the-box sinatra server for web site sketching using haml + sass + coffee-script

76,258 下載

arcabouco 0.2.16

Arcabouco WebApp Framework

74,349 下載

chroma-sass 1.2.6

Chroma is the Sass color manager, managing color names, variations, and color schemes.

74,324 下載


【react&rails】notee is creating CMS(blog) gem by only one command.

74,173 下載

html_mockup 0.9.0

HTML Mockup is a set of tools to create self-containing HTML mockups.

74,137 下載

vitrine 0.0.31

Serves ERB templates with live CoffeeScript and SASS

73,103 下載

stepdown 1.1.0

Stepdown allows you to see where your most used Cucumber steps are, your unused steps a...

72,925 下載

esp-permissions 0.1.0

Description of EspPermissions.

71,436 下載

ki 0.4.12

it said optional

70,772 下載

compass-recipes 0.3.0

A Compass extension to have some sass/compass recipes ready to use !

70,719 下載

archetype 1.0.0.alpha.5

Archetype is a Compass/Sass based framework for authoring configurable, composable ...

70,563 下載

mail_spy 0.1.1

Mailspy allows for quick and easy creation, sending and tracking of email campaigns

69,520 下載

engine_of_war 2.0.0

Semi-static site engine.

68,893 下載

mango 0.9.0

Mango is a dynamic, database-free, and open source website framework that is designed t...

68,342 下載

evil-front 0.5.1

Helpers, Sass mixins and JS shortcuts from Evil Martians

67,680 下載

bunch 0.2.2

Directory-structure-based asset bundling.

66,895 下載

flutterby 0.6.2

Flutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th...

64,420 下載

responder 0.2.4

Magic media queries for your Compass project

64,090 下載

iasd-bootstrap-sass 1.7.11

Basic CSS framework for IASD DSA websites

63,590 下載

總下載次數 326,466,171

這個版本 74,555,510



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
