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rubocop-rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rubocop-rails

rubocopital 1.0.2

We need to have a common configuration of ruby style, this gem ...

46,709 下载

nulogy_message_bus_producer 5.0.8

Nulogy's code for producing to the Message Bus

45,210 下载

gnar-style 0.13.0

Style guide default configuration for The Gnar Company

44,553 下载

rating 1.0.0

A true Bayesian rating system with scope and cache enabled.

44,117 下载

timely 0.14.0

Set of time, date, weekday related methods.

43,900 下载

cobalt-rubocop 1.0.2

Ruby code linting for Cobalt Ruby repositories

43,143 下载

globalize_current_translation 0.0.2

A gem that helps create a `current_translation` relationship which is the translation i...

42,710 下载

nucop 0.12.3

Nulogy's implementation of RuboCop, including custom cops and additional tooling.

42,193 下载

netsoft-rubocop 1.1.9

Hubstaff style guides and shared style configs.

41,948 下载

activerecord_accessible_json 1.0.0

Using this gem, ActiveRecord's JSON attribute is deserialized into HashWithIndifferentA...

41,234 下载

silvercop 1.3.0

Code style checking for Silvercar Ruby repositories.

41,215 下载

arclight 1.4.0

A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...

39,961 下载

rubocop-bsm 0.6.1

Internal RuboCop plugin for BSM

39,180 下载

zuora_observability 0.3.5

Description of ZuoraObservability.

38,743 下载

nulogy_graphql_api 4.3.0

Standard tooling for building GraphQL apis

37,439 下载

active_date_range 0.3.2

ActiveDateRange provides a range of dates with a powerful API to manipulate and use dat...

37,126 下载

ninny 0.1.24

Ninny is a command line workflow for git with GitLab

36,842 下载

optimum-energy-rubocop 0.9.0

The shared Rubocop configuration for Optimum Energy

36,658 下载

fashion_police 2.4.4

KissKissBankBank's shared style configuration

36,522 下载

rubocop-action_policy 0.1.2

Automatic ActionPolicy code style checking tool.

36,503 下载

rubocop-petal 1.4.0

Petal custom cops

35,569 下载

radius-spec 0.14.0

Standard RSpec setup and a collection of plug-ins to help improve specs.

35,397 下载

publify_core 10.0.2

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

34,733 下载

modulorails 1.5.1

Modulorails is the common base for the Ruby on Rails project at Modulotech (https://www...

34,366 下载

panolint 0.1.6

Rules for linting code at Panorama Education

34,138 下载

perx-rubocop 0.0.3

Use this to load the default rubocop configuration and inehrit from it

32,579 下载

osm-rubocop 0.1.16

OnSite Ruby coding conventions.

32,281 下载

hint-rubocop_style 0.3.6

Hint shared Rubocop style guide

31,668 下载

foreman_inventory_upload 2.0.3

Foreman plugin that process & upload data to cloud based host inventory

31,626 下载

resource_policy 1.1.0

Access control for single resource and it's methods

31,466 下载

下载总量 175,510,449

这个版本 1,346,331




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
