RubyGems Navigation menu

request_store 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 request_store

trailer 0.2.1

Provides a framework for tracing events within a service, or across multiple services.

10,848 下載

sunspot_offline 0.2.0

Because Solr sometimes fails, it happens. It might be a maintenance work you have to do...

10,823 下載

active_record_query_stats 0.1.1

Query Stats logging for ActiveRecord

10,126 下載

rails-graylogger 0.1.3

Push Rails logs also to Graylog2

9,856 下載

access_policy_rails 0.0.2

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

9,532 下載

epi_decorator 0.1.5

A simple decorator for Rails to replace Draper.

9,459 下載

ror_hack 0.1.5

add some methods to modules of ruby or rails.

9,354 下載

rack-request-tracker 0.4.2

Bunch of patches and rack middlewares to allow for transactional logs

9,197 下載

aion-request-translations 1.0.2

A i18n backend for loading per request specific translations for a rails app in a threa...

9,190 下載

discretion 4.0.0.alpha

A simple privacy/authorization framework for Rails projects.

8,514 下載

ekylibre-plugin_system 0.7.0

Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container

8,210 下載

business_error 1.1.0

Business Error Management by using OOP

7,977 下載

jersey 0.2.0

Set of composable middleware and helpers for production sinatra APIs

7,931 下載

auditlog 0.0.2

Rails gem to track active record model changes. Allows user to track action based model...

7,679 下載

auth0_current_user 0.3

Implements Auth0's setup for authentication/authorization along with setting a current_...

7,586 下載

nav-logger 0.0.6

Nav's logger

7,409 下載

identity_toolbox 1.0.0

Tools to provide user authorization and data scoping.

7,154 下載

nucleus 0.3.1

Nucleus is a unified API for deployment and management of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ...

7,095 下載

request_store-sneakers 0.1.0

Provides a Sneakers Middleware to clear out RequestStore after each work is processed.

6,906 下載

lograge_waittime 0.4.1

Add webserver request queueing time to lograge output.

6,615 下載

gitlab-safe_request_store 0.0.0

Provides a safe interface for RequestStore even when it is not active.

6,130 下載

stashing 0.1.3

Logstash wrapper for easy ActiveSupport::Notifications logging

6,023 下載

blsk_service_core 0.0.3

Code Skeleton for Blsk Service Core

5,986 下載

ecfr 1.0.14

Ruby client for APIs provided by

5,936 下載

dunlop 0.1.0

Organize business processes, do data analysis and guard your goals

5,893 下載

lograge_rails_request_queuing 0.2.1

Add request queueing time to lograge output.

5,612 下載

printos 0.3.15

PrintOS gem that wraps the API.

5,437 下載

settings-rails 0.0.2

Rails settings models with multiple data types, allowing db-driven global configuration...

5,235 下載

lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.

5,181 下載

spread_beaver 0.0.2

Server side Javascript runner in Ruby on Rails.

5,142 下載

總下載次數 226,504,800

這個版本 1,442,674



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
