RubyGems Navigation menu

request_store 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 request_store

trogdir_models 0.19.0

A shared set of Mongoid models for the Trogdir directory project

101,721 下載

userbin 1.7.1

Secure your application with multi-factor authentication, user activity monitoring, and...

96,126 下載

crashbreak 1.1.4

Reproduce exceptions as failing tests

95,174 下載

openstax_utilities 5.1.1

Shared utilities for OpenStax web sites

95,095 下載

json_api_toolbox 3.0.0

Json API usefull tools

92,782 下載

active_spy 1.4.4

Watch for a method call in any class and run before/after callbacks. You can even w...

91,548 下載

devise_auth0_jwt_strategy 0.0.12

Authenticate requests using an Auth0 JWT passed by HTTP header

87,859 下載

ddy_remote_resource 1.3.1

RemoteResource, a gem to use resources with REST services. A replacement for ActiveReso...

85,008 下載

para 0.12.1

Rails admin engine

83,239 下載

active_model_cachers 2.1.8

Simply cache whatever you want by using cachers which will help you maintain cached obj...

80,723 下載

recorder 1.2.3

Recorder tracks changes of your Rails models

67,267 下載

rails-cache-tags 2.1.0

Tagged caching support for Rails

62,549 下載

mongocore 0.5.1

Does validations, associations, scopes, filters, pagination, counter cache, request cac...

60,913 下載

mn_utils_gem 1.15.15

Mumsnet utils gem for microservices

55,547 下載

espinita 0.0.9

Audit activerecord models like a boss

54,183 下載

heavylog 0.1.0

Format all Rails logging per request

48,781 下載

asset 0.2.4

The only thing you need for your assets.

48,316 下載

singleton-client-test 0.7.13

Singleton Ruby client

47,917 下載

marlowe 3.1

{Marlowe}[] is a Rack middleware that extracts or...

47,875 下載

thread-inheritable_attributes 2.0.0

Passes thread variables to child spawned threads. Main use case is enabling logging in ...

44,991 下載

thoth 3.0.0

Easy event logging for rails.

41,592 下載

company_scope 1.0

A simple solution for Rails Multi Tenancy based on Active Record Default Scopes.

37,583 下載

vzaar_api 2.0.2

A Ruby gem for the vzaar API v2

37,518 下載

ioc_rb 0.5.0

Inversion of Controll Container

35,980 下載

nexus_cqrs 0.4.10

Core package for the nexus cqrs gem

35,565 下載

api_client_bulk_loader 0.1.14


33,920 下載

wso2_toolbox 0.3.3

WSO2 useful tools

33,892 下載

superlogger 1.1.0

Machine-readable logging for Rails

29,984 下載

singleton-ruby 0.2.0

Singleton Ruby client

29,197 下載

jsonapi-consumer 1.0.1

Create ActiveModel-compliant objects for your JSONAPI-based API

28,799 下載

總下載次數 225,949,099

這個版本 1,350,177



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
