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Dependencias inversas para request_store La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren request_store

lc_alchemy_cms 3.2.1

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails 4 CMS.

5.284 Descargas

spread_beaver 0.0.2

Server side Javascript runner in Ruby on Rails.

5.239 Descargas

express_access 1.0.0.b

Gain fined tuned control over what users are permitted to see and do in your application.

5.172 Descargas

compony 0.5.1

Compony is a Gem that allows you to write your Rails application in component-style fas...

5.056 Descargas

chronos_authz 0.0.2

A declarative authorization Rack middleware that supports custom authorization logic on...

5.025 Descargas


Singleton Ruby client

4.659 Descargas

callme 0.6.0

Callme: Simple depencency injection lib

4.601 Descargas

changed 1.2.0

4.291 Descargas

lemonway_ruby 0.10.0

Client for LemonWay Directkit API in JSON

4.145 Descargas

allinone 0.0.2

Makes it possible to serve multiple sites from the same app

4.092 Descargas

chops 0.0.1

Chops simplifies making view objects in Rails by making the view context easily availab...

4.089 Descargas

spree_request_store 3.1.7


3.955 Descargas

countrizable 0.1.2

Gem for implementing multi country sites, enables countrizable extension for ActiveReco...

3.881 Descargas

globalize-danibachar 5.2.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

3.817 Descargas

draper_new 3.0.0

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

3.807 Descargas

tamaudit 0.0.2

Audit activerecord models like a boss

3.575 Descargas

tardigrade 0.1.1

Inject method with dependencies

3.540 Descargas

store_current_user 0.0.1

A simple wrapper over RequestStore to provide a controller filter to store the current ...

3.490 Descargas

viewmaster 0.0.1

Manage multiple layout versions of your app with Viewmaster.

3.439 Descargas

carbonyte 0.2.0

Carbonyte is the core of great Microservices-oriented Architectures.

3.438 Descargas

i18n_admin 0.3.1

Small admin panel to translate your Rails app

3.251 Descargas

localise_rails 0.1.5

Easy localise your Rails app from

2.927 Descargas

door_mat 0.0.5

DoorMat is a Rails Engine that provides a solution for both user authentication and the...

2.822 Descargas

globalize-r5 5.1.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

2.816 Descargas

micro_common 0.1.0

Microservice common utilities

2.689 Descargas

globalize-rails5 5.1.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

2.560 Descargas

douglas 0.1.0

Douglas adds stamps to any ActiveRecord model, like {created,updated}_by

2.528 Descargas

request_registry 0.1.0

Per-request registry

2.482 Descargas

gera 0.3.4

Rails On Rails engine to import and generate currency rates

2.471 Descargas

jamesgolick-draper 1.1.1a

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

2.452 Descargas

Total de descargas 246.366.784

Para esta versión 6.257.577

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
