RubyGems Navigation menu

railties 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 railties

fx 0.8.0

Adds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage database functions and...

6,794,273 下載

protected_attributes_continued 1.9.0

Protect attributes from mass assignment

6,622,650 下載

chosen-rails 1.10.0

Chosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery and Protoype. This gem...

6,540,855 下載

lodash-rails 4.17.21

lodash for the Rails asset pipeline

6,266,030 下載

webpack-rails 0.9.11

No longer maintained - use webpacker instead.

5,828,265 下載

js_cookie_rails 2.2.0

JavaScript Cookie is a simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies. Thi...

5,725,664 下載

shakapacker 8.0.2

Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails

5,543,690 下載

rpush 9.1.0

The push notification service for Ruby.

5,289,307 下載

highcharts-rails 6.0.3

Gem that includes Highcharts (Interactive JavaScript charts for your web projects), in ...

5,097,208 下載

gretel 5.0.1

Gretel is a Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy yet flexible to create breadcrumbs.

5,071,666 下載

tailwindcss-rails 3.0.0

Integrate Tailwind CSS with the asset pipeline in Rails.

5,036,122 下載

decent_exposure 3.0.4

DecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in ...

4,932,784 下載

jasmine-rails 0.15.0

Provides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.2 assets and sets up jasm...

4,407,301 下載

rails-api 0.4.1

Rails::API is a subset of a normal Rails application, created ...

4,361,157 下載

committee-rails 0.8.0

Committee for rails

4,244,706 下載

turbo-sprockets-rails3 0.3.14

Speeds up the Rails 3 asset pipeline by only recompiling changed assets

4,159,760 下載

activeadmin_json_editor 0.0.10

"json_input" field allow to edit json value as json array with using jsoneditor.js from...

3,998,313 下載

cypress-on-rails 1.17.0

Integrates cypress with rails or rack applications

3,956,992 下載

code_ownership 1.37.0

A gem to help engineering teams declare ownership of code

3,858,592 下載

versioncake 4.1.1

Render versioned views automagically based on the clients requested version.

3,673,257 下載

lol_dba 2.4.0

lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays...

3,632,128 下載

blazer 3.1.0

Explore your data with SQL. Easily create charts and dashboards, and share them with yo...

3,612,194 下載

delayed_paperclip 3.0.1

Process your Paperclip attachments in the background with ActiveJob

3,569,260 下載

combustion 1.5.0

Test your Rails Engines without needing a full Rails app

3,550,171 下載

hamlit-rails 0.2.3

hamlit-rails provides generators for Rails 4.

3,485,159 下載

strong_parameters 0.2.3

Permitted and required parameters for Action Pack

3,475,150 下載

haml_coffee_assets 1.26.0

Compile Haml CoffeeScript templates in the Rails asset pipeline.

3,364,980 下載

active_record_doctor 1.15.0

Identify database issues before they hit production.

3,341,040 下載

serviceworker-rails 0.6.0

Integrates ServiceWorker into the Rails asset pipeline.

3,324,165 下載

d3_rails 4.1.1

Gem installation of javascript framework for data visualization, D3

3,289,682 下載

總下載次數 549,552,304

這個版本 58,728




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
