puma 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 puma
mihari 7.6.4
A query aggregator for OSINT based threat hunting
185,096 下載
Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...
184,645 下載
iqvoc 4.14.5
iQvoc - a SKOS(-XL) vocabulary management system built on the Semantic Web
170,256 下載
gaptool-server 0.8.5
gaptool-server for managing cloud resources
167,285 下載
eac_rails_base0 0.69.0
A Rails base for multiple Rails projects developed by Esquilo Azul Company.
167,152 下載
nonnative 1.82.0
Allows you to keep using the power of ruby to test other systems
163,941 下載
fluentd-ui 1.2.1
Web UI for Fluentd
162,139 下載
oxidized-web 0.14.0
puma+sinatra+haml webUI + REST API for oxidized
161,919 下載
redde 0.4.4
Admin scaffold generator for redde projects
156,852 下載
openstax_accounts 9.9.0
This gem allows Rails apps to easily access the API's and login infrastructure of OpenS...
155,796 下載
crabfarm 0.7.11
Crabfarm lets you build web scrappers using TDD, it is also very opinionated about ...
135,653 下載
govuk_test 4.1.0
Test configuration and dependencies for applications on GOV.UK
135,243 下載
eitil 2.0.9
Eitil (eitje utility) never stops increasing your life's efficacy and productivity, yay...
133,894 下載
zuora_connect_ui 0.12.3
Description of Connect UI
130,919 下載
enju_leaf 1.3.6
integrated library system
130,029 下載
capybara-typhoeus 0.7.1
Typhoeus driver for Capybara, allowing testing of REST APIs
128,058 下載
madness 1.2.1
Start a markdown server in any directory
123,298 下載
solidus_dev_support 2.9.0
Development tools for Solidus extensions.
121,782 下載
workarea-core 3.5.27
Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of th...
118,375 下載
enju_manifestation_viewer 0.3.5
embed external contents on Next-L Enju
116,389 下載
gtm_on_rails 0.2.2
An plugin that integrate Google Tag Manager easy with Rails
114,872 下載
spree_dev_tools 0.2.4
Spree Developer Tools
113,963 下載
godmin 2.3.0
Godmin is an admin framework for Rails 5+. Use it to build dedicated admin sections for...
110,040 下載
faastruby 0.5.30
FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at faastruby.io.
106,710 下載
roger 1.10.0
See homepage for more information.
106,368 下載
station 0.5.16
Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.
106,277 下載
maglove 2.0.11
This gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.
103,310 下載
enju_seed 0.3.6
Seed module for Next-L Enju
101,430 下載
apidoco 1.6.4
Document Rest APIs.
101,370 下載
vmpooler 3.6.0
vmpooler provides configurable pools of instantly-available (running) virtual machines
98,118 下載