puma 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 puma
puma-rails 0.0.2
puma-rails overrides the Rack::Handler.default method to return Rack::Handler::Puma whi...
357,065 下載
mina-puma 1.1.0
Puma tasks for Mina
351,229 下載
rails_performance 1.2.3
3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications.
327,779 下載
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
300,469 下載
enju_biblio 0.3.18
Bibliographic record module for Next-L Enju
296,395 下載
puma-heroku 2.0.0
A Puma plugin that contains the default Heroku config
295,673 下載
kubernetes-health 3.14.0
This gem allows kubernetes monitoring your app while it is running migrates and after i...
288,619 下載
apiotics 0.2.30
286,328 下載
bookends 10.4.3
an engine to abstract common html/css elements across Heroku properties
282,738 下載
puma-newrelic 0.1.6
Samples the puma stats and creates a custom metric for NewRelic
278,412 下載
nfg_ui 6.17.2
The embodied design system for Network for Good.
259,779 下載
enju_event 0.3.5
Event management for Next-L Enju
259,715 下載
knife-essentials 1.5.6
Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository
259,185 下載
redis-stat 0.4.14
A real-time Redis monitoring tool written in Ruby
256,171 下載
decidim-dev 0.29.1
Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim
250,803 下載
bookbindery 10.1.18
A command line utility to be run in Book repositories to stitch together their constitu...
241,999 下載
thredded 1.1.0
The best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...
240,936 下載
cosmos 5.0.5
Ball Aerospace COSMOS provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and...
240,514 下載
capybara-puma 1.0.1
A Capybara server replacement using the Puma webserver
238,783 下載
opener-webservice 2.2.1
Basic webservice hooks for the OpeNER toolchain
229,453 下載
html5_validators 1.9.0
A gem/plugin for Rails 3+ that enables client-side validation using ActiveModel + HTML5
221,828 下載
em-hot_tub 1.1.0
EventMachine version of HotTub.
218,195 下載
mission_control-jobs 0.3.3
Operational controls for Active Job
216,989 下載
enju_library 0.3.11
Library module for Next-L Enju
214,988 下載
active_storage_silent_logs 0.1.2
Silent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs.
214,637 下載
opal-rails 2.0.3
Rails bindings for opal JS engine
212,413 下載
zip_kit 6.3.1
Stream out ZIP files from Ruby. Successor to zip_tricks.
212,402 下載
locomotivecms_wagon 3.1.1
Wagon is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine
208,685 下載
pageflow 17.0.4
Multimedia story telling for the web.
204,755 下載
trice 0.3.2
Provides reference time concept to application. Use it instead of ad-hoc `Time.now`
193,793 下載