RubyGems Navigation menu

less 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 less

groundworkcss-rails 0.2.12

Gem that integrates Sidereel GroundworkCSS into Rails 3+

42,067 下載

rake-pipeline-web-filters 0.7.0

A collection of web filters for rake-pipeline

40,713 下載

spinto 0.2.15

Spinto uses Jekyll and plugins to build static sites, this gem provides the spinto-site...

39,566 下載

waitress-core 0.5.0

Waitress is a lightweight, fast Ruby Web Server with the ability to serve dynamic webpa...

34,694 下載

forma 0.1.10

rich forms for ruby

34,147 下載

stack 0.0.9

Generates a static site from template files with YAML and Liquid. Stack supports templa...

31,814 下載

gearup 0.0.10

Sprockets + Thin to get you going with static content.

31,768 下載

haml_user_tags 0.10.3

Define reusable functions in Haml that can be called with native Haml syntax.

31,179 下載

freerangestylin 0.1.6

Style framework for FreeRange

28,371 下載

mako 1.0.6

Compiles widgets and creates scaffolds for Materia run by Learning Systems and Technolo...

25,931 下載

textigniter 0.0.36

Textigniter is a lightweight static site generator based on textile (markdown optional)...

22,385 下載

font-roboto-rails 0.0.3

Just font

22,033 下載

tilt-pdf 0.10.0

Integrates PDF generation into a Tilt flow

20,994 下載

fewer 0.3.0

Fewer is a Rack endpoint to bundle and cache assets and help you make fewer HTTP reques...

20,918 下載

malt 0.4.0

Malt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...

20,768 下載

dima 0.0.6

form builder for active record

20,026 下載

proton 0.3.6

Proton lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, ...

19,973 下載

CirrusKit 0.0.7

A UI and style toolkit for Cirrus-esque apps.

19,492 下載

danmayer-resume 0.0.4

A gem for Dan Mayer's resume

17,875 下載

more 0.1.1

More is a plugin for Ruby on Rails applications. It automatically parses your appli...

16,589 下載

rack-lesscss 0.2.3

Rack middleware for compiling lesscss files into css

15,418 下載

vision 0.0.2

Vision is a Rails Way dashboard, built as a simple alternative to ActiveAdmin.

13,000 下載

skyrocket 0.0.4

An alternative and opinionated static content/ asset management tool that will concaten...

11,951 下載

lte-rails 0.1.0

This gem provides all the assets for Admin LTE for use in a rails project

11,672 下載

geemus-merb-less 0.1.0

Merb plugin for less css

11,292 下載

potion 0.0.5

A static site generator that supports code, photos and files.

10,902 下載

dassets-lessv1 0.3.0

Dassets engine for compiling LESS CSS v1

9,450 下載

laze 0.2.1

Laze is a simple static website generator, inspired by the likes of jekyll, bonsa...

8,486 下載

frontsau 0.0.3

Frontsau brings coffeescript, sass, less to any webapplication without big need of modi...

8,279 下載

sum 0.1.2

A simple budgeting app built on Sinatra

8,078 下載

總下載次數 19,849,105

這個版本 15,809,044



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Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
