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Runtime :
active-fedora 12.2.4
>= 11.5.2, < 13
almond-rails 0.3.0
~> 0.1
awesome_nested_set 3.7.0
~> 3.1
blacklight 6.25.0
~> 6.14
blacklight-gallery 0.12.0
~> 0.7
breadcrumbs_on_rails 3.0.1
~> 3.0
browse-everything 1.4.0
>= 0.16
carrierwave 1.3.4
~> 1.0
clipboard-rails 1.7.1
~> 1.5
draper 4.0.2
~> 4.0
dry-equalizer 0.3.0
~> 0.2
dry-struct 1.6.0
>= 0.1, < 2.0
dry-transaction 0.16.0
~> 0.11
dry-validation 1.10.0
>= 0.9, < 2.0
flipflop 2.7.1
~> 2.3
flot-rails 0.0.7
~> 0.0.6
~> 4.2
hydra-derivatives 3.8.0
~> 3.3
hydra-editor 5.0.5
>= 3.3, < 6.0
hydra-head 11.0.7
>= 10.6.1, < 12
hydra-works 1.2.0
>= 0.16, < 2.0
iiif_manifest 0.5.0
>= 0.3, < 0.6
jquery-datatables-rails 3.4.0
~> 3.4
jquery-ui-rails 6.0.1
~> 6.0
json-schema 5.0.1
>= 0
kaminari_route_prefix 0.1.1
~> 0.1.1
legato 0.7.0
~> 0.3
linkeddata 3.3.1
~> 3.1
mailboxer 0.15.1
~> 0.12
nest 3.2.0
~> 3.1
noid-rails 3.0.3
~> 3.0.0
oauth 1.1.0
>= 0
oauth2 1.4.11
~> 1.2
posix-spawn 0.3.15
>= 0
power_converter 0.1.2
~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2
pul_uv_rails 2.0.1
~> 2.0
qa 5.13.0
>= 2.0, < 6.0
~> 5.0
rails_autolink 1.1.8
~> 1.1
rdf-rdfxml 3.3.0
>= 0
rdf-vocab 3.1.4
< 3.1.5
redis-namespace 1.11.0
~> 1.5
redlock 2.0.6
>= 0.1.2
retriable 3.1.2
>= 2.9, < 4.0
samvera-nesting_indexer 2.0.0
~> 2.0
sass-rails 5.1.0
~> 5.0
select2-rails 3.5.11
~> 3.5
signet 0.19.0
>= 0
solrizer 4.1.0
>= 3.4, < 5
~> 4.1
Development :
bixby 1.0.0
~> 1.0.0
capybara 2.17.0
~> 2.4, < 2.18.0
capybara-maleficent 0.3.0
~> 0.3.0
chromedriver-helper 2.1.1
~> 2.1
database_cleaner 1.99.0
~> 1.3
engine_cart 2.6.0
~> 2.2
equivalent-xml 0.6.0
~> 0.5
factory_bot 4.11.1
~> 4.4
fcrepo_wrapper 0.9.0
~> 0.5, >= 0.5.1
i18n_yaml_sorter 0.2.0
>= 0
jasmine 2.9.0
~> 2.3, < 2.99
jasmine-core 2.9.1
~> 2.3, < 2.99
mida 0.4.0
~> 0.3
rails-controller-testing 1.0.5
~> 1
rspec-activemodel-mocks 1.2.1
~> 1.0
rspec-its 1.3.1
~> 1.1
rspec_junit_formatter 0.6.0
>= 0
rspec-rails 3.9.1
~> 3.1
selenium-webdriver 4.26.0
>= 0
shoulda-callback-matchers 1.1.4
~> 1.1.1
shoulda-matchers 3.1.3
~> 3.1
solr_wrapper 2.2.0
>= 1.1, < 3.0
webdrivers 3.9.4
~> 3.0
webmock 3.24.0
>= 0