http_url_validation_improved 1.1.1
a Rails gem that allows you to validate a URL entered in a form. It validates if the URL exists by hitting it with a HEAD request. The improved version includes retries for common patterns when the head request is refused before giving a failure notice. It also looks up a SITE_URL constant to the user agent in the headers. Also has the option to also check that the URL returns content of a specified type.
- 1.3.1 June 15, 2012 (8.0 KB)
- 1.3.0 February 04, 2011 (8.0 KB)
- 1.2.0 June 15, 2010 (8.0 KB)
- 1.1.1 June 04, 2010 (7.5 KB)
Development 依赖 (1):
>= 0