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Dependencias inversas para html-pipeline La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren html-pipeline

gh-preview 1.0.2

This gem provides a small Sinatra application to preview GitHub README files

7.616 Descargas

markdown_proofer 0.1.1

Checks whether links/images in your Markdown files are valid.

6.773 Descargas

html-pipeline-auto-correct 0.2.0

AutoCorrect for html-pipeline

6.529 Descargas

sitefs 1.0.0.beta5

A simple static site generator

6.268 Descargas

korgi 0.2.3

Extends the Markdown syntax to allow quick generation of links to Rails resources.

5.948 Descargas

bunto-mentions 2.0.0

@mention support for your Bunto site

5.948 Descargas

nox 0.1.1

Handy utilities for coding

5.716 Descargas

html-pipeline-ruby_markup 0.9.2

A HTML::Pipeline filter to write ruby markup elements.

5.710 Descargas

markdown2html 0.1.2

Convert markdown files and wikis to html.

5.620 Descargas

html-pipeline-abbr 0.2.0

abbr tags are part of the html spec. They are currently not p...

5.478 Descargas

jekyll-commit-mentions 0.1.3

Github commit sha mention support for your jekyll site

5.424 Descargas

link-rewriter-filter 1.0.0

A filter to rewrite links so that files can be viewable on GitHub and a static server

5.316 Descargas

html-pipeline-flickr 0.1.1

A html-pipeline filter that converts flickr url into a linkable image

5.122 Descargas

html-pipeline-trix-video 0.0.2

An HTML::Pipeline filter converting Trix-compliant YouTube or Vimeo preview figures int...

4.450 Descargas

jetesting 0.1.7

Do not use

4.394 Descargas

gollum-export 0.0.1

This gem includes the `gollum-export` command that allows converting local markdown fil...

4.180 Descargas

html-pipeline-cite 0.0.1

An HTML::Pipeline filter for WikiMedia-style Cite references.

4.010 Descargas

html-pipeline-image_link 0.1.0

Image filter for html-pipeline.

3.916 Descargas

html-pipeline-mrkdwn 0.1.8

An HTML::Pipeline filter for Slack's mrkdwn markup language.

3.690 Descargas

html-pipeline-bootstrap 0.1.0

bootstrap for html-pipeline

3.554 Descargas

writeup 1.1.0

Generic components from jeromegn/DocumentUp for generating static HTML documentation fr...

3.390 Descargas

markdown_to_word 0.1.5

Converts GitHub-flavored Markdown to a Word document

3.319 Descargas

threddedDANIEL 0.14.5

The best Rails 4.2+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

2.028 Descargas

jay_flavored_markdown 0.1.0

JayFlavoredMarkdown Converter

1.839 Descargas

jekyll-bible_references 0.1.0

A plugin for Jekyll to generate Bible references

1.340 Descargas

Total de descargas 36.708.576

Para esta versión 6.012

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: ~> 3.1

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 3.3.22
