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Dependencias inversas para html-pipeline La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren html-pipeline

daimon-markdown 0.5.0

Markdown renderer for Daimon

21.332 Descargas

gfm 0.2.1

Generates an HTML file from a GitHub Flavored Markdown file. Useful for previewing READ...

20.057 Descargas

nanoc-html-pipeline 0.3.5

An adapter for using html-pipeline as a filter in your nanoc Rules

20.030 Descargas

jekyll-openmoji 0.1.6

OpenMoji emoji pack plugin for Jekyll with powerful configuration...

19.648 Descargas

html-pipeline-negarmoji 0.1.6

Negareh emoji library is an emoji filter plugin for html pipeline, ...

19.353 Descargas

html-pipeline-linkify_github 1.0.2

A HTML::Pipeline filter to autolink GitHub urls.

18.963 Descargas

downr 0.0.7

Wrapper for RedCarpet, adding syntax highlighting, emojis etc.

18.608 Descargas

html-pipeline-issue_references 1.0.2

An HTML::Pipeline filter for auto-linking GitHub issue references

17.961 Descargas

html-pipeline-external_link 1.0.0

External link filter for html-pipeline.

17.120 Descargas

json-schema-docs 0.3.1

Easily generate Markdown files from your JSON schema.

16.723 Descargas

himekami-markdown 0.1.8

Project himekami markdown parser.

16.612 Descargas

pot_markdown 0.1.6

Markdown processor like GitHub

15.995 Descargas

jekyll-mathjax-csp 2.0.0

Server-side MathJax rendering for Jekyll with a strict CSP

15.713 Descargas

html_pipeline_rails 0.1.0

Render Markdown via HTML::Pipeline in Rails.

15.393 Descargas

jekyll-img-converter 0.1.5

jekyll-img-converter is support to convert IMG tag with inline style from markdown usin...

15.321 Descargas

magnet-markdown 0.0.5

Magnet specified markdown processor

15.175 Descargas

markup-email 1.2.4

Converting Markup to E-mails with github-markup

15.059 Descargas

acts_as_pdf 0.2.0

Description of ActsAsPdf.

14.938 Descargas

html-pipeline-wiki-link 0.0.4

An HTML::Pipeline filter for WikiMedia-style wiki links.

12.997 Descargas

html-pipeline-asciidoc_filter 1.5.3

An AsciiDoc processing filter for html-pipeline powered by Asciidoctor

12.970 Descargas

html-pipeline-task_list 0.1.0

An HTML::Pipeline filter for creating GitHub-flavored Markdown TaskLists

12.445 Descargas

jekyll-issue-mentions 0.1.6

#issueid support for your Jekyll site

12.271 Descargas

swift-playground 0.0.5

A Ruby API and CLI tool for manipulating Xcode Swift Playgrounds. Supports generation f...

11.986 Descargas

page-toc-filter 0.2.1

Generates a table of contents for a single page, via HTML::Pipeline.

11.468 Descargas

bemoji 3.0.0

GitHub-flavored emoji plugin for Bunto

9.036 Descargas

markdown-highlight-extended-filter 1.1.0

HTML::Pipeline filter for Octopress-flavored syntax highlighting

8.690 Descargas

viewmd 0.3.0

Command line tool for viewing Markdown files (with GitHub Markdown extensions) in a bro...

8.119 Descargas

html-pipeline-highlight 1.0.0

Highlight filter for html-pipeline.

7.970 Descargas

daimon_markdown 0.7.0

Markdown renderer for Daimon

7.827 Descargas

prolog-services-markdown_to_html 1.0.3

The Prolog::Services::MarkdownToHtml class converts valid Markdo...

7.699 Descargas

Total de descargas 36.708.213

Para esta versión 6.012

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: ~> 3.1

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 3.3.22
